So I saw the movie "The pursuit of happiness". I saw it on a flight home so I had no idea what to expect. I didn't really know the premise of the movie ,only that Will Smith is in it. I am almost wanting to fall asleep but the first couple minutes pulled in. I realize that this seems like my life. Not that I am black nor am I married with a young child nor am I homeless but I have been. My living situation is the most difficult its been in a long time. I have tons of parking tickets problems paying bills. I am in sales. I work for commissions only. I have no salary. No set amount to expect every payday. The highs the lows and the in bet-weens. Salesman have the toughest jobs ever. I noticed just how much I relate to the character on the screen. It was probably the most inspiring movie I have seen in a long time. Will Smith is obviously a black man but what I really liked was that there was no mention of that in the movie. He had to earn his success on his ability to handle all situations that came his way. The symbology of the Rubik's cube and how he was able to solve the puzzle that is life and work it to his advantage with the right attitude. Honesty and morals and a strong will to work for free as an intern for a
I keep true to the morals of the story. Allot of things the movie points out are so true. People who can not do will try and keep you from doing. Never let anyone stop you from reaching your dreams.
Its about having the will to succeed no matter what comes at you. In the pursuit of happiness that is life sometimes risk is everything. Working for free and having to live off of top ram-en and juggle and hustle to survive while working towards the big break. With my new job I work from 7 am to 3pm but I rarely take a lunch break. I eat while I work. I work an extra hour a day. I take my work home with me. I write pitches and strategies and study sales guides and set goals. I feel like I found a great company I can grow with. After 13 years of bullshit working for companies that didn't have their shit together I now work for a company that I feel lets me handle almost every aspect of the business from beginning to end. I prospect them I pitch them, I sell to them, I make sure product gets delivered. I set up their own web-page so that they an reorder with ease. I handle any problems or issues and or bill collection and all other items in between. This allows me to know exactly what I am doing as long as I keep great notes. I feel like I am well on my way to success but I have a few hurdles to cross. Some days my commission is allot sometimes I make nothing. Such is sales. But my will to succeed is there. I know that everything I do now is like planting seeds that will grow tomo. I wont let anyone or anything stop me. That's my goal. My pursuit of happiness.
Here is a real synopsis of the movie:
Imagine you're a single parent. You've been evicted, and you have nowhere for your child to sleep. What would you do? Will Smith's new movie, The Pursuit of Happiness, is based on the astounding true story of a homeless, single father. Will stars in the film with his real-life 8-year-old son, Jaden.
Will plays Chris Gardner, a single parent who insists on raising his son while he struggles to make ends meet. A chance meeting on the street with a successful stockbroker inspires him, and with the odds stacked against him, Chris talks his way into an unpaid internship with a brokerage firm.
Forced to lead a double life, Chris works on Wall Street by day and is homeless by night. Still, Chris dreams of a better life for his sonand then he makes it happen. It's the ultimate rags-to-riches tale.
"What I really connect to it's the idea of why I think America is such a great country," Will says. "The promise of America is such a great idea because this is the only country in the world that Chris Gardner could exist."
I keep true to the morals of the story. Allot of things the movie points out are so true. People who can not do will try and keep you from doing. Never let anyone stop you from reaching your dreams.
Its about having the will to succeed no matter what comes at you. In the pursuit of happiness that is life sometimes risk is everything. Working for free and having to live off of top ram-en and juggle and hustle to survive while working towards the big break. With my new job I work from 7 am to 3pm but I rarely take a lunch break. I eat while I work. I work an extra hour a day. I take my work home with me. I write pitches and strategies and study sales guides and set goals. I feel like I found a great company I can grow with. After 13 years of bullshit working for companies that didn't have their shit together I now work for a company that I feel lets me handle almost every aspect of the business from beginning to end. I prospect them I pitch them, I sell to them, I make sure product gets delivered. I set up their own web-page so that they an reorder with ease. I handle any problems or issues and or bill collection and all other items in between. This allows me to know exactly what I am doing as long as I keep great notes. I feel like I am well on my way to success but I have a few hurdles to cross. Some days my commission is allot sometimes I make nothing. Such is sales. But my will to succeed is there. I know that everything I do now is like planting seeds that will grow tomo. I wont let anyone or anything stop me. That's my goal. My pursuit of happiness.
Here is a real synopsis of the movie:
Imagine you're a single parent. You've been evicted, and you have nowhere for your child to sleep. What would you do? Will Smith's new movie, The Pursuit of Happiness, is based on the astounding true story of a homeless, single father. Will stars in the film with his real-life 8-year-old son, Jaden.
Will plays Chris Gardner, a single parent who insists on raising his son while he struggles to make ends meet. A chance meeting on the street with a successful stockbroker inspires him, and with the odds stacked against him, Chris talks his way into an unpaid internship with a brokerage firm.
Forced to lead a double life, Chris works on Wall Street by day and is homeless by night. Still, Chris dreams of a better life for his sonand then he makes it happen. It's the ultimate rags-to-riches tale.
"What I really connect to it's the idea of why I think America is such a great country," Will says. "The promise of America is such a great idea because this is the only country in the world that Chris Gardner could exist."

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Merry Christmas!