Well I just got home from the hospital. I had a life shaking, neir death experience over the last few days.
Apparently I have been losing blood internaly over the last week or so due to an bleeding ulcer from my gastric bypass surgery erea. Not that the surgery was the cause for it but it is common for post op surgery patients to have this happen. It might have been a few bad habbits and stress and whatever. Needless to say saturday night I was out with a friend and I noticed myself getting fatigued and light headed and sweaty when I stood up and also noticed myself very pale in the mirror. As I was sitting I felt ok I even had sushi earlier in the evening. No pain or anything did I feel. But somewhere inside I was leaking my life blood away into my bowels. The next morining I awoke, I seemed ok but as I stood up I almost passed out. Needless to say after finding blood where blood should not be, I called the hospital but the recording said to call 911 so I did and as I was telling them what was going on they said they already issued a paramedic.The paramedics is right around the corner so I quickly put my clothes on and was able to make it out the door and down the stairs but as soon as I got to the truck I almost passed out. They laid me down and asked questions and put in an IV and sent me to the ER. Now I am tripping cause this is something serious. I get to the ER and talk to the Dr. and he said that I should be very happy I am there and did not decide to wait cause I could have passed out and died of loss of blood. So they put me in ICU and do a Upper GI scope on me. They found a bleeding ulcer but apparently the bleeding stopped but I was down 1/3 of my blood and needed 2 transfusions. I spent the night in ICU and couldnt eat a damn thing. They checked my blood a few times and I was up then down. So the next day I thought I was gonna get released but since my last blood count my hemoglobin was down about 8.9 from 9.9 so they wanted me to stay one more night and do another scope on me to see if I might still be bleeding. Well that was this morning and I am ok. I will live. Just need to watch what I do and take care of my sensetive stomach for a while. Take Prilosec and whatever. All this time I was stressing out over my insurance because I just started a new job and my old jobs insurance just ran out and I was already in the hospital before my new insurance could kick in. But luckily I called and opted for Cobra after calling my previous employer for the paperwork which they never sent me. I should be covered for the last month and this month so I should be ok. All in all I am happy to be home. I was worried about my cat. He was out of water when I got home and his catbox was way too full so he was my first chore. He is happy I am home and now its time to just relax and catch up on Soprano's. Yeah I missed it while in the hospital. Nothing but Jerry Springer and Maury Povich and some other stupid shit to watch on TV there. I am still low on my blood levels but not dropping. But I still am very loopy and lightheaded, so some rest and relaxation for me for the rest of the day but I will be back to work tomo.

Apparently I have been losing blood internaly over the last week or so due to an bleeding ulcer from my gastric bypass surgery erea. Not that the surgery was the cause for it but it is common for post op surgery patients to have this happen. It might have been a few bad habbits and stress and whatever. Needless to say saturday night I was out with a friend and I noticed myself getting fatigued and light headed and sweaty when I stood up and also noticed myself very pale in the mirror. As I was sitting I felt ok I even had sushi earlier in the evening. No pain or anything did I feel. But somewhere inside I was leaking my life blood away into my bowels. The next morining I awoke, I seemed ok but as I stood up I almost passed out. Needless to say after finding blood where blood should not be, I called the hospital but the recording said to call 911 so I did and as I was telling them what was going on they said they already issued a paramedic.The paramedics is right around the corner so I quickly put my clothes on and was able to make it out the door and down the stairs but as soon as I got to the truck I almost passed out. They laid me down and asked questions and put in an IV and sent me to the ER. Now I am tripping cause this is something serious. I get to the ER and talk to the Dr. and he said that I should be very happy I am there and did not decide to wait cause I could have passed out and died of loss of blood. So they put me in ICU and do a Upper GI scope on me. They found a bleeding ulcer but apparently the bleeding stopped but I was down 1/3 of my blood and needed 2 transfusions. I spent the night in ICU and couldnt eat a damn thing. They checked my blood a few times and I was up then down. So the next day I thought I was gonna get released but since my last blood count my hemoglobin was down about 8.9 from 9.9 so they wanted me to stay one more night and do another scope on me to see if I might still be bleeding. Well that was this morning and I am ok. I will live. Just need to watch what I do and take care of my sensetive stomach for a while. Take Prilosec and whatever. All this time I was stressing out over my insurance because I just started a new job and my old jobs insurance just ran out and I was already in the hospital before my new insurance could kick in. But luckily I called and opted for Cobra after calling my previous employer for the paperwork which they never sent me. I should be covered for the last month and this month so I should be ok. All in all I am happy to be home. I was worried about my cat. He was out of water when I got home and his catbox was way too full so he was my first chore. He is happy I am home and now its time to just relax and catch up on Soprano's. Yeah I missed it while in the hospital. Nothing but Jerry Springer and Maury Povich and some other stupid shit to watch on TV there. I am still low on my blood levels but not dropping. But I still am very loopy and lightheaded, so some rest and relaxation for me for the rest of the day but I will be back to work tomo.

AWE!!!! Thanks for my award!!!!!!!!! You are the best!! I LOVE IT. You made my morning of sadness come out with a smile....
