this is the blog to end all blogs.. if i were to write a blog ender.. well, whatever. this is the next best thing since sliced torso. i end up doing three to four times more shots than i have set my quota for. shots are great. i love them. but maintaining composure after six hours in a couple of bars will make me do the funny shot face and get the chills and sometimes even do the gag face. i'm not much of a lady's man but i don't think they find someone attractive who's about to vomit on thier shoes. so, i've developed a method that will significantly reduce my reaction to said shots (this starts around shot #8 give or take a couple).
step one: you must inhale as much air as you can. step two: drink the fucking shot. step three: exhale very slowly and for the love of god exhale only through your mouth. and for the love of fuck don't blow your funky whiskey breath all over the people around you.
try it.
i dare you.
step one: you must inhale as much air as you can. step two: drink the fucking shot. step three: exhale very slowly and for the love of god exhale only through your mouth. and for the love of fuck don't blow your funky whiskey breath all over the people around you.
try it.
i dare you.
we did park in a handicapped zone, Dude.