buddha said something along the line of this: we see our faults in the faults of others. meaning that when you see something about someone that really pisses you off or just irks the shit out of you there is a really good chance that you are guilty of the same thing. it's on a personal level, obviously you are not guilty of starting a war or raising the price of gas. if you pay attention to the next time you get upset about someone's actions be honest with yourself and think if you are guilty of that too. i do it all of the time. even the simplest of things.
this sort of leads to my views on human interaction. i think we are hypocritical and more or less, full of shit. i don't mean every situation. alot of times when i am having a conversation with someone weather it's a stranger or a someone i have known for a long time i can't help noticing during the conversation when questions are answered emotionally, aggressively, or passively even if it is the slightest change in the demeanor. body language tells all, especially in the eyes. i think we use this as a defence mechanism to hide our feelings when we feel insecure or would rather not share our business. i think someone ranting about a topic and going on and on forever would rather be talking about what made him or her start discussing. sometimes we say the exact opposite of when we really mean and is a direct lie. ever been in a realtionship? "what's wrong"? .."nothin' ".. yeah, you've been involved in that one then.
who gives a shit? this is just crap i notice everyday. . ..and in no way am i not guilty as hell of all of it in one way or another. just being honest
maybe i should go to bed.
this sort of leads to my views on human interaction. i think we are hypocritical and more or less, full of shit. i don't mean every situation. alot of times when i am having a conversation with someone weather it's a stranger or a someone i have known for a long time i can't help noticing during the conversation when questions are answered emotionally, aggressively, or passively even if it is the slightest change in the demeanor. body language tells all, especially in the eyes. i think we use this as a defence mechanism to hide our feelings when we feel insecure or would rather not share our business. i think someone ranting about a topic and going on and on forever would rather be talking about what made him or her start discussing. sometimes we say the exact opposite of when we really mean and is a direct lie. ever been in a realtionship? "what's wrong"? .."nothin' ".. yeah, you've been involved in that one then.
who gives a shit? this is just crap i notice everyday. . ..and in no way am i not guilty as hell of all of it in one way or another. just being honest
as long as one doesn't get too meta-analytic about conversations as they are having them. that will only put across more aloofness to the other party, and you'll continue to drift further away from possible connection and the true enjoyment of other people - which is something i do think exists and is very worthwhile. hell, i go looking for it every night i go out.