I know it's been a million years since last I updated, but my last entry was so long, reasonably well thought out and full of fun stuff that I've had a hard time summoning the energy to type up a worthy replacement.
Out of frustration, I have decided to throw together something quick and altogether unworthy.
It goes something like this:
I'm in London, as I have been on and off for the past week (the off being a trip to Hastings to visit the family). I'm getting over this bastard flu that has been going around and have a head full of cotton wool.
London day one was about 3 hours long and revolved around getting in from the airport and lounging hard.
London day two was stellar. I woke up late and jetlagged and went straight out to a SGUK bar meet. Cherry (who absolutely rocks) was hanging outside the tube station, so we chatted for a few and waited for Nic (supercool fearless SGUK leader) to appear; on to the bar and meeting a whole pile of people who I shan't even attempt to name due to the fact that it was a blur of who's who in the UK group that involved real names/screen personae that I still have not sorted out. I do know that it went wickedly late and involved one decent and one godawful metal band as well as pole/cage dancing SGs.
London day three involved The Ship with SGUK which started mellowly enough, became festive with a game of pass the parcel (in which I won a dolphin themed diary for the coming year) and quickly spiralled into a night of unadulterated debauchery in the clubs of Soho.
London day four hurt. Lots.
So did day five.
Since then, I've been flu-ey and in Hastings; a town that has barely discovered typewriters, let alone the internet. My god I feel out of touch. It's nice to be back up here and digital again.
The coming days involve more SGUK; some old time London friends; Xmas in Hastings; New Year's in either Prague, Amsterdam or Scotland (which essentially means that I'll keep tossing around ideas until I can't book anything anywhere and will end up right here in London); a visit to ever-exciting Tunbridge Wells (more family stuff) and who knows what else.
A big ol' 'Screw Off' goes out to my SGLA posse. Keep the faith and I'll see you in January.
Out of frustration, I have decided to throw together something quick and altogether unworthy.
It goes something like this:
I'm in London, as I have been on and off for the past week (the off being a trip to Hastings to visit the family). I'm getting over this bastard flu that has been going around and have a head full of cotton wool.
London day one was about 3 hours long and revolved around getting in from the airport and lounging hard.
London day two was stellar. I woke up late and jetlagged and went straight out to a SGUK bar meet. Cherry (who absolutely rocks) was hanging outside the tube station, so we chatted for a few and waited for Nic (supercool fearless SGUK leader) to appear; on to the bar and meeting a whole pile of people who I shan't even attempt to name due to the fact that it was a blur of who's who in the UK group that involved real names/screen personae that I still have not sorted out. I do know that it went wickedly late and involved one decent and one godawful metal band as well as pole/cage dancing SGs.
London day three involved The Ship with SGUK which started mellowly enough, became festive with a game of pass the parcel (in which I won a dolphin themed diary for the coming year) and quickly spiralled into a night of unadulterated debauchery in the clubs of Soho.
London day four hurt. Lots.
So did day five.
Since then, I've been flu-ey and in Hastings; a town that has barely discovered typewriters, let alone the internet. My god I feel out of touch. It's nice to be back up here and digital again.
The coming days involve more SGUK; some old time London friends; Xmas in Hastings; New Year's in either Prague, Amsterdam or Scotland (which essentially means that I'll keep tossing around ideas until I can't book anything anywhere and will end up right here in London); a visit to ever-exciting Tunbridge Wells (more family stuff) and who knows what else.
A big ol' 'Screw Off' goes out to my SGLA posse. Keep the faith and I'll see you in January.
look! that's me!
dude, time to update again.....