Roaming around and finding internet access isn't too bad. Finding access that is reasonably priced and available when my head is feeling decent enough to string thoughts together is harder. Finding internet cafes and the like that either have the latest browsers or allow me to download them is damn near impossible and this here redesign demands such.
The long version will be shared over cocktails and chaos. The short version goes a little something like this:
Travelling is where it's at. It makes me smile and it is my plan to go forth and live a little.
On this particular trip, I have found that while staying with friends is good and fun, staying solo in hostels forces you to explore a new place without biases or prejudices. There's no tour that can compete with randomly roaming and interacting with a city on terms that are determined as the need for them arises. I've ended up in hip and happening spots and I've ended up in crack-ho alley and neither is without it's appeal and inspiration.
As I near the end of this excursion (Fantasyfest in Key West and solo time in Miami remain), I can say that Canada is one hell of a great place. Vancouver, Ottawa and Montreal take top honors.
Ottawa was an unbelievably clean, friendly and young city with a small town feel. I had a great time and was lucky enough to meet fivetwo and twwly...both of whom are very cool cats and were super friendly despite their blinding hangovers. Some fivetwo ink might just be the perfect excuse for a repeat visit.
Vancouver was a blast. I must have clocked 20+ miles on foot in a couple of days. One particular stroll had me in a top-notch chinatown; walking the entire length of Hastings, through it's population of junkies, freebase merchants and pot cafes; trecking across town and back down to Granville, where, as well as my hostel, you could find a ton of great bars and restaraunts and an amazing film festival. I could see myself spending a lot of time and having a lot of fun in Vancouver.
While Vancouver is a hottie that I'd love to bed down with, Montreal is a sophisticate that I could see myself marrying. Far away from the madness St. Catherine Street are the sidewalk cafes of the Plateau and the clubs and beergardens of the Latin Quarter, my base while there . There was something special about Montreal: the people were open and smiling; the architecture was both quaint and impressive, but with phenomenal style; the food was just plain great, regardless of where I stopped. Above all else, it felt good to be there, in a very inexplicable way. I will return (hopefully with my french a little more polished).
The states had its moments too. Portland is still a star and a highlight. NYC was a bit of a disappointment, having been gone for so long, though lunch with my dad and brother (the three of us had not gotten together in several years) made the stop very worthwhile.
If you are in LA, I'll see you soon. If not, there's a reasonably good chance that I'll see you soon, too.
Catch ya later.
The long version will be shared over cocktails and chaos. The short version goes a little something like this:
Travelling is where it's at. It makes me smile and it is my plan to go forth and live a little.
On this particular trip, I have found that while staying with friends is good and fun, staying solo in hostels forces you to explore a new place without biases or prejudices. There's no tour that can compete with randomly roaming and interacting with a city on terms that are determined as the need for them arises. I've ended up in hip and happening spots and I've ended up in crack-ho alley and neither is without it's appeal and inspiration.
As I near the end of this excursion (Fantasyfest in Key West and solo time in Miami remain), I can say that Canada is one hell of a great place. Vancouver, Ottawa and Montreal take top honors.
Ottawa was an unbelievably clean, friendly and young city with a small town feel. I had a great time and was lucky enough to meet fivetwo and twwly...both of whom are very cool cats and were super friendly despite their blinding hangovers. Some fivetwo ink might just be the perfect excuse for a repeat visit.
Vancouver was a blast. I must have clocked 20+ miles on foot in a couple of days. One particular stroll had me in a top-notch chinatown; walking the entire length of Hastings, through it's population of junkies, freebase merchants and pot cafes; trecking across town and back down to Granville, where, as well as my hostel, you could find a ton of great bars and restaraunts and an amazing film festival. I could see myself spending a lot of time and having a lot of fun in Vancouver.
While Vancouver is a hottie that I'd love to bed down with, Montreal is a sophisticate that I could see myself marrying. Far away from the madness St. Catherine Street are the sidewalk cafes of the Plateau and the clubs and beergardens of the Latin Quarter, my base while there . There was something special about Montreal: the people were open and smiling; the architecture was both quaint and impressive, but with phenomenal style; the food was just plain great, regardless of where I stopped. Above all else, it felt good to be there, in a very inexplicable way. I will return (hopefully with my french a little more polished).
The states had its moments too. Portland is still a star and a highlight. NYC was a bit of a disappointment, having been gone for so long, though lunch with my dad and brother (the three of us had not gotten together in several years) made the stop very worthwhile.
If you are in LA, I'll see you soon. If not, there's a reasonably good chance that I'll see you soon, too.
Catch ya later.
Didnt clock on you had changed your name, silly bollocks here spends a while trying to track you down
Nice meeting you on Friday, are you attending this weekends one as well?

it was ur mans ruin one adn i saw the process of it but kant rember where illl look for it and let u no