Its a snow day for me. Kinda sucks actually. I'm starting to feel a little cooped up hear in the house. I got a picture off my birthday cake(a neural-peptide cake) but its in a camera that was left at my mom and dads and I don't really want to drive on crappy roads to get it. Did get the Christmas tree up though which is always nice. I watched few Christmas movies including "HE-MAN SHE-RA a Christmas special" I always wished there was a TNG Christmas special. I guess that wouldn't really fit in the story line though. Which is to bad cause with holographic technology they could actually make flying reindeer.
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Friday Jun 30, 2006
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Monday Jun 26, 2006
So on the weekend i went to my high schools 10 year graduation reunio… -
Monday Jun 19, 2006
So on Saturday I went golfing. I did awful but drank a fair amount of… -
Thursday Jun 15, 2006
I played in this slow pitch tournament last weekend. We did so bad th… -
Thursday Jun 15, 2006
I played in this slow pitch tournament last week end. We did so bad … -
Thursday Jun 08, 2006
I'm all happy today. My fav episode off Enterprise is on tonight. I… -
Sunday Jun 04, 2006
I got to go for a plane ride yesterday. In some kinda Sesna.(spellin… -
Saturday May 27, 2006
I went to the dentist a couple days ago and got my tooth fixed. It w…