Its a snow day for me. Kinda sucks actually. I'm starting to feel a little cooped up hear in the house. I got a picture off my birthday cake(a neural-peptide cake) but its in a camera that was left at my mom and dads and I don't really want to drive on crappy roads to get it. Did get the Christmas tree up though which is always nice. I watched few Christmas movies including "HE-MAN SHE-RA a Christmas special" I always wished there was a TNG Christmas special. I guess that wouldn't really fit in the story line though. Which is to bad cause with holographic technology they could actually make flying reindeer.
More Blogs
Saturday Oct 14, 2006
its been about a month since iv made a post with any kinda substance … -
Monday Oct 09, 2006
I don't really have much to say. I just realized how old my last pos… -
Saturday Sep 16, 2006
so its like all official and stuff now. rumors and everything. I mo… -
Saturday Sep 02, 2006
b=Been a little while since my last post. Iv been busy with work and… -
Thursday Aug 17, 2006
I'm so tired. Its seams like all i do is work and sleep. With the … -
Wednesday Aug 09, 2006
So last week i went up to Kamloops, i hung out with my cousin, we wen… -
Wednesday Aug 02, 2006
im just about to leave. im going away for the week. gonna have a go… -
Thursday Jul 27, 2006
I was talking to my cousin from kamloops the other day. I think I'm … -
Sunday Jul 16, 2006
Not realy much news to share. Life has been pretty mundane lately. … -
Thursday Jul 06, 2006
last night i went and saw supper man on 3D, he seamed so close to me …