i hate not having anything to say. I have a boring life. its just been a while since i updated this blog.
I gota go for jury duty selection again tomorow. Which I'm so not looking forward to. I can't afford to take 2 or 3 weeks off work. And I don't want to even really hear about the shit that these people did. Last time I went for selection the guys being charged were both a fair bit more then just a little disturbing. And I...
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i always thaught that would be fun but have somehow always gotten out of it
Oh and I know it is pretty late but I wanted to say thanks for commenting on my set
I really appreciate it!

Oh and I know it is pretty late but I wanted to say thanks for commenting on my set

its been 3 weeks since i updated my blog... and i don't really have a lot to say. I went to jury duty selection. I didn't get selected so i go again in february. other then that there really isn't anything to report on my life.
Christmas was fun. not to much drama. I got to see just about everyone. Unfortunately I'm getting sick which really sucks cause i got a job interview tomorrow. I'm kinda nervous about the interview. But it is just an interview so its not to to big off a deal. hmmm..... I guess that's about all i have to say about that.
Its a snow day for me. Kinda sucks actually. I'm starting to feel a little cooped up hear in the house. I got a picture off my birthday cake(a neural-peptide cake) but its in a camera that was left at my mom and dads and I don't really want to drive on crappy roads to get it. Did get the Christmas tree up though which...
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i went up to whistler on the weekend. the Mt was open so i got a chance to go boarding. went clubbing drank way the hell to much. i took an extra day off work(today) in anticipation off a hangover
that i didnt get.
and B.C one the cup

it's a game for gamecube. like a role playing game. it looks like a kid's game on the surface, but it's really pretty neat. you take on the role of a new town member and get a job, add on to your house, go fishing. it's fun.
Its nice to have a day off. To do nothing. play video games, watch TV, check out Suicide girls stuff like that. Irish cream is good in coffee two. Im having a good day.

I have the day off too! Besides running errands, I have plans to play Animal Crossing. It's been ages since I've done that. Hooray!
The Canucks game the other night was good times. Home team one and I got loaded. I spent a good part off yesterday in Chinatown. I got me a little Bruce Lee action figure, and then went and saw all the plasticised people at science world.(I might have to become a vegetarian. Well i wont be eating ribs for a while anyways)
I haven't been to see a hockey game in so long its crazy. Then all of the sudden i get tickets to see the Bruins on Sunday and the Canucks on Monday. life is good. 

well i guess I'm must be trying to make up for not posting for so long, cause i posted yesterday and now again and i really got nothing else to say. i did play baseball yesterday, i used a different bat and it totally made all the difference in the world. If my team doesn't elect to buy one I'm gonna have to get one...
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its been about a month since iv made a post with any kinda substance to it. i don't really have much to say. my girlfriend has gone a way for the weekend. And i play in my last ball tournament off the year this weekend as well. ooh and some drunk guy tried to pick a fight with me about a week ago. He must...
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I don't really have much to say. I just realized how old my last post was. I'll try to update more often.