productivity is good.
stagnation is bad.
i enjoy stating the obvious.
if you dont get it. dont bother.
fuck red tape.
fuck bureaucracy.
fuck oversaturation.
fuck dependency.
fuck wealth.
fuck poverty.
fuck safety.
fuck fear.
youre being taken advantage of.
your perception is skewed.
your presence is unnecessary.
work hard.
build your empire.
youre bulletproof.
he doesnt care about black people: BRMC - Howl
faccia prendervelo il divertimento in Italia con
stagnation is bad.
i enjoy stating the obvious.
if you dont get it. dont bother.
fuck red tape.
fuck bureaucracy.
fuck oversaturation.
fuck dependency.
fuck wealth.
fuck poverty.
fuck safety.
fuck fear.
youre being taken advantage of.
your perception is skewed.
your presence is unnecessary.
work hard.
build your empire.
youre bulletproof.

he doesnt care about black people: BRMC - Howl
faccia prendervelo il divertimento in Italia con
holy shit, someone else listens to BRMC. you = winner!
hm... italian to english translation isn't working out so well.