And So, on a better note, I finally got my cat "SID" over to the house and so far so good. I've been trying to get him over here for a while (6 1/2 mths.) He's black n white, and he's got a black goat-tee, just like me, it's wierd, My "X" gave him to me for X-mas . Whenever I get a pic I will defimatly have it on here. AND, and Tonight is the first night that my roomies & I have smoked together @ the same exact time, warm feelings-warm feelings. Wish we could've done this on 4/20, BUT it's the fact that matters
! ! ! And PLEASE give Kiki, Jetta,Posh, Jade, & Visha a good shout or hello For me.

Tomorrow(28th) My boy Mike is having his 22nd B-day. We're renting a F-150 limo n going to the Club House, our sactuary. It will be a delightfully twisted mess of alcohol, deviance, BOOBIES
[Edited on Apr 28, 2005 1:31AM]
As for your cat, they say your pets end up looking like you.