do you ever think about what song works best for a person?
The woman I'm dating told me her ringtone for me is "I want to make you close your eyes" which I couldn't get beyond "I just want to rest right here on your shoulder" when I listened to it. She explained why and I understood her reasoning but when I explained that I couldn't deal with it because it all felt so programmed and analyzed and researched and focus grouped (I'm listening to it now from youtube, it works better if I'm not actually LISTENING to it
- but yeah - big guy with a scruffy beard singing about cuddling and then fucking and back to cuddling? can you say "focus group"? Anyway) that it didn't feel real as a song. It's sorta like someone saying your relationship is a Hallmark card
I got a text message from her later because she wondered if she was smart enough for me
. I 'splained that I've spent my entire life dissecting things to see what makes them tick so I could replicate it as a system and it's just how I look at things. that's why I liked Avatar but didn't LOVE Avatar. I could appreciate the pieces but the gestalt just didn't do it for me, the sum of the movie was LESS than the parts.
So anyway - I want the woman who fits this song:
god I love that song - just imagine loving someone like that?
*shakes self*
The odd thing about that would be it's almost external to any normal relationship - it'd be like - ever 6 months or a year one of you would get in touch with the other when it got to be too much and you'd get together for an hour or a day or afew days and recharge, and then go back to your normal life and normal lover and be satisfied knowing that other person was out there for when you REALLY needed to light your inner fire. And you'd miss them in some abstract way but that'd be part of it too....
ok - anyway!
Look, there's snow out there! I'd swear half of it disappeared tho - yesterday afternoon there was a bunch of it but when I went out a little while ago to shovel it was only an inch or so at most, and I don't even need to dig out my car.
it's freaking COLD tho!
PS - she's been upgraded to "woman I'm dating" from "woman I'm seeing" - and she called herself my girlfriend and I didn't correct her but I wasn't happy about it. Bleah...
PPS - I ordered a "new" computer from Dell - it's a referb. it's one of These, an XPS 9000 - whoever spec'd it put in a giant video card, and all kinds of upgrades, but only a 250GB HD and 3GB of ram. Oh well - I'm going to put in the HD from my poor dead desktop and that'll take me up to a terabyte
. I'll haveta upgrade it to 4 or 6GB of ram tho. Oh well. I did get it for like 600$ less than a new one tho, with the coupon they posted.
The woman I'm dating told me her ringtone for me is "I want to make you close your eyes" which I couldn't get beyond "I just want to rest right here on your shoulder" when I listened to it. She explained why and I understood her reasoning but when I explained that I couldn't deal with it because it all felt so programmed and analyzed and researched and focus grouped (I'm listening to it now from youtube, it works better if I'm not actually LISTENING to it

I got a text message from her later because she wondered if she was smart enough for me

So anyway - I want the woman who fits this song:
god I love that song - just imagine loving someone like that?

*shakes self*
The odd thing about that would be it's almost external to any normal relationship - it'd be like - ever 6 months or a year one of you would get in touch with the other when it got to be too much and you'd get together for an hour or a day or afew days and recharge, and then go back to your normal life and normal lover and be satisfied knowing that other person was out there for when you REALLY needed to light your inner fire. And you'd miss them in some abstract way but that'd be part of it too....
ok - anyway!
Look, there's snow out there! I'd swear half of it disappeared tho - yesterday afternoon there was a bunch of it but when I went out a little while ago to shovel it was only an inch or so at most, and I don't even need to dig out my car.
it's freaking COLD tho!
PS - she's been upgraded to "woman I'm dating" from "woman I'm seeing" - and she called herself my girlfriend and I didn't correct her but I wasn't happy about it. Bleah...
PPS - I ordered a "new" computer from Dell - it's a referb. it's one of These, an XPS 9000 - whoever spec'd it put in a giant video card, and all kinds of upgrades, but only a 250GB HD and 3GB of ram. Oh well - I'm going to put in the HD from my poor dead desktop and that'll take me up to a terabyte

I'm hoping I can meet her at Comicon. I may go all giddy if I do 

OK FINE hahahah