My apartment is finally feeling like it's complete. It's a wonderful feeling.
I just got some chairs yesterday which I assembled (I love assembling stuff

Now all that I still want in there is a big oversized blown up version of a photo I've taken. Looking at doing something probably 3ftx4ft (or about a 90cm by 125cm) or bigger but of course that'll somewhat depend on the price.
I'm leaning towards this one:
but now I'm also thinking about these too:
Also I picked up a bookshelf at Target and put that together last night too (More assembly!) so now I can have my book and some memorabilia stuff out instead of tucked away in boxes.
Oh, and lastly- I've been wanted to make a headboard for my bed for a little while. That had a great deal to do with wanted a project to do, wanted a headboard, and trying to do something about the wall above my bed being so damn cold to the touch. So... I went and did something about it.
I took a hollow door, cut it in half, framed it for structural support and a little bit more bulk, covered it with a blanket from a thrift store with extra padding in the middle for the right feel, and then wrapped the whole thing in a shower curtain. Looks nice, huh?
The most expensive single purchase: a box of 3 inch screws for $8.79. Total project cost: ~$34.00
Well, that's what's been going on with me lately. It's good to be pretty happy. I think I'll try to stay this was for a little while.
With love, Adam.
On that site you linked, there's a picture of the Jindalee pool. That is at the end of Scott's street.