It's 5:47am. I've been awake for an hour. Again. I have it set in my mind that today is going to be a good day. I'll keep repeating that....
I'm suppose to bring a bunch of chopped onions to work for a chili dog lunch we're making. The problem?? Well, I kinda forgot to buy the onions last night. Whoops. So now I have to...
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I'm suppose to bring a bunch of chopped onions to work for a chili dog lunch we're making. The problem?? Well, I kinda forgot to buy the onions last night. Whoops. So now I have to...
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I didnt want to see it either. My husband made me go with him.Trust me, if you go you will laugh your ass off!!
Every once in a while I like doing things early in the morning. Since I've worked nights most of my adult life, it's like a whole new and strange world in the morning. So many old people everywhere. Have a good day.

I'm crying. Yeah.... just fucking great. Hanging out with my family will do this to a person. First thing... my mother is fucking insane. I'm not going to be like her, so I wont get into it. She's having problems with her husband. Actually, they've been having problems since they met, but yeah. We went to the dentist for my little sister, and she had...
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Awww. I wish I could offer advice, but frankly, I don't know what to say...
If he wants to be with her then he should talk to her. And make damn sure he isn't going to snort more coke. My boyfriend is the person you'd never expect him to do anything wrong in his life, he used to be hardcore into coke and other drugs, but coke was his drug of choice. This was all before I met him. I was always so worried in the beginning that he would get the urge to start up again. We've been together for two years and the only bad thing he does is occasionally drink a beer.
How long has her ex-boyfriend been off coke. Make the two of them talk, but first talk to her yourself. Does she love him and want him back. Sounds like they need to work on it. If there is anything there.
How long has her ex-boyfriend been off coke. Make the two of them talk, but first talk to her yourself. Does she love him and want him back. Sounds like they need to work on it. If there is anything there.
Soooo.... I feel dorky.
I got my tickets in the mail yesturday. Didn't get the pleasure of opening them up though, dammit.
Got my naked pictures too. Now I can start cleaning them out of my computer, as well as all the other useless junk I've got on here.
My friend Mike is coming home the week of the 6th. I'm so happy!!! I promised...
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I got my tickets in the mail yesturday. Didn't get the pleasure of opening them up though, dammit.
Got my naked pictures too. Now I can start cleaning them out of my computer, as well as all the other useless junk I've got on here.
My friend Mike is coming home the week of the 6th. I'm so happy!!! I promised...
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wait, what about being late? nakey pictures. woohoo.
No no, we were up until probably 11:30 but I had the next day off so that's why we just kept watching more and more episodes. Working at 6am blows, it makes you out to be a boring person, that or I already was so it just added on to it for me. Shit! That is the truth.
There's my butt. I'm too lazy to take a new picture, so I just found this one. Last night I ordered prints of all my half naked pictures so I can delete them off of my computer... they're taking up soooo much room! So in 2-4 days I'll be bombarded with nudie pics. Of me! Whoo hoo!
It's freezing in my house... I can barely...
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It's freezing in my house... I can barely...
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Mabey we should get our friends togather and they can fuck each other.
Yes you saw me at the grand 'ol safeway. Headed there now to pick up wheat bread. We've seen eachoter around town a many of times since the days of you and your quickly shut down public acess t.v. show. Eh? Rember those days?
I need a new profile picture.
I need more money.
I need to sell all my things on Ebay.
I need a second, maybe a third job.
I need happiness.
I need a lot of shit.
But what do I do? I eat food. That whole "I eat because I'm depressed, I'm depressed because I'm fat, and I'm fat because I eat" thing is really...
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I need more money.
I need to sell all my things on Ebay.
I need a second, maybe a third job.
I need happiness.
I need a lot of shit.
But what do I do? I eat food. That whole "I eat because I'm depressed, I'm depressed because I'm fat, and I'm fat because I eat" thing is really...
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I must admit I revel in putting delicious picture of me on the internet. Makes me feel good, I should definitely do a sg set. I would eat it up. Anywho, how are you doing? Getting things done that you want to do? Hope so. Take care!

I meant $2000 for the attorney to just show up. All three I talked to today. More if it goes to trial. My fines are about $2000 as well. I'll know more monday. A few people I work with are in the same boat. Actually one was in the exact same boat. It's crazy how many people have warrants out for their arrest. All I know is that Im not gonna walk into jail compliantly. Fuck yeah I'll move to Canada. I'll have total Canadian pride.
I'm silly. We're broke, but Modest Mouse has scheduled four dates in Portland. So, I was responsible, and only bought myself one ticket, and my husband one... but then I knew I wouldn't feel very good about that decision come December. So I hopped back to Ticketmaster, and was in the process of buying me a four day pass... when I'll be damned, a $65...
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I fucking hate it when parents play favorites. My husbands do that shit all the time. They hate us because were not mormons. Whatever though. Yes I am having fun crushing on bakery boy. He's just so adorable!!!!!
I hate the butterflies in the tummy though.... oh well enjoy your day.xoxo

Oh man, the poor guy! Does he have an inhaler or anything that helps? I understand how much is sucks to work out when you can't breathe!
So I started something new. Or, I'm trying to start something new.
My hubby works at 5:00am. I've been used to waking up, driving him to work, then coming back home and going back to sleep for a few or more hours until I have to go to work. Then we stay up till 10 or 11pm, and he's late the next morning.
So, for...
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So, for...
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I'm small framed so I actually carry quite a bit of fat, but it doesn't show. I think I can do it without loosing a ton of weight though. I'm hoping I'll be almost there by the end of oct. or early nov.
You'll recognize me. Im the only security with big eyelets and short brown hair. Actually only two of us have bigger guages. Anyways, yeah say hi. Most likely I'll be doing ID upstairs. I allways get stuck up there. It's cool though cuz I get to see the show. Have a good day princess.

Gosh. I can't get used to this "update your page" thing. That bright yellow is quite annoying. I just got back from the mountain again. Thank goodness, because I drove my car up there illegally (sp?). No license plates. Bad me. Bad.
I can't write too much, because I NEED to get outside and mow my lawn. It's getting dark, and two foot long grass...
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I can't write too much, because I NEED to get outside and mow my lawn. It's getting dark, and two foot long grass...
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thats not a yard, its a jungle....You should keep it that high and make a maze out of it...

Ya take a weedwacker to that shit. That would be fun. Then do a front yard crop circle kinda thing. And ya I always click on the bright yellow thing, then realize I already did it earlier. And by the way, do you go to Lake Merwin at all?

I'll find out for ya.
Oh, btw, my porno friend says it varies, but for like bondage porn, it can run around 50 bucks an hour. More strenuous/unique stuff, or more painful stuff could fetch more.
The mountains going to blow.... and if it happens tomorrow... I'm gonna be there! How exciting. I'm waking up at 4:30 to drop Hubby off at work... then coming home and selling all of my possessions that I don't really need on Ebay. Then I'm going to pack a picnic lunch and some board games, and head up to the mountain. After I pick Eric...
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No my name is not Haley. I just knew one who was a total slut. Went to high school with her. Just thought it would be funny if it was the same girl.
Anything exciting at the mountain today?