So, what have I been doing that I need to fill you in on? I think I talked about how we went out drinking on election night. My friend that went out with us that night called into work the next day. We thought it was pretty weird he called in at 2:30am. Well... turns out the dumb fuck wound up in jail.
I'm always playing mommy to him, and trying my hardest to not let him drink and drive. He's already got one DUI he's going to classes for. Actually, he was just saying how he was almost down to one class a month.....
Too bad. He fucked THAT up. I guess he didn't actually get caught DRINKING and driving. He got caught passed out drunk on the side of the freeway. Part of me feels like this is half my fault. I LET him drive home. But honestly, I felt that he was kindof faking his drunkeness. I had more then him that night, and was acting pretty normal. So I feel bad. I'm wondering if he's going to yell at me....
Besides that, we haven't done too much. We went down to Hillsboro about our new car on Wednesday. On the way back, I decided that I wanted to go to Llyod Center. So we're driving downtown, and turning onto Burnside, I look to my left and see an assload of cops in riot gear. Ohhh, how exciting. I figured there would be protests, but hadn't heard anything. I'm kinda dissapointed. Had I been by myself, I would've found a place to park and joined the little group. But, I had Eric with me, who doesn't feel as strongly as I do about our shitty little president. Poor me...
I'm always playing mommy to him, and trying my hardest to not let him drink and drive. He's already got one DUI he's going to classes for. Actually, he was just saying how he was almost down to one class a month.....
Too bad. He fucked THAT up. I guess he didn't actually get caught DRINKING and driving. He got caught passed out drunk on the side of the freeway. Part of me feels like this is half my fault. I LET him drive home. But honestly, I felt that he was kindof faking his drunkeness. I had more then him that night, and was acting pretty normal. So I feel bad. I'm wondering if he's going to yell at me....
Besides that, we haven't done too much. We went down to Hillsboro about our new car on Wednesday. On the way back, I decided that I wanted to go to Llyod Center. So we're driving downtown, and turning onto Burnside, I look to my left and see an assload of cops in riot gear. Ohhh, how exciting. I figured there would be protests, but hadn't heard anything. I'm kinda dissapointed. Had I been by myself, I would've found a place to park and joined the little group. But, I had Eric with me, who doesn't feel as strongly as I do about our shitty little president. Poor me...

Buffalo is on burnside between 10th and 13th somewhere. There's also one on Hawthorn between 34th and 36th. That one is actually caddy corner from the red square. Fuck, I thought tonight would be mellow...fuck no. It was worse than last night. The plumbing blew out and we had to close the bar, and sewage was spewing everywhere. My manager, my coworker, and me had to clean it up as it was shooting out like a tidal wave. We're thinking about sueing for contamination hazards. So they didnt shut down the show, and we had to deal with it. I have an extra shift at another location in the morning, and Im fucking pissed. We're gonna make them pay for Hep C testing. The fucking plumber had that shit go in his mouth. It was sooooo fucking gross. Work might be closed for a while, and decontamination will be neccessary. The state is going to have to pay for it all since it was their fault. I hope we get a fat lawsuit that us 3 can live off of. BTW. You arent responsible for your friend's actions. If you're old enough to drink, then you're old enough to take responsibliity for what you do. Fuck with the bull you get the horns. My DWI's have all been bullshit, but there were times that I have driven fucked up and shouldve been sent to jail. Just so happens the times I was innocent I get the charges.
You can't blame yourself for your friend going to jail. Were the keys in the ingnition? If so, poor thing. I wanted to thank for the comment you left in my last post. I appreciated it very much. Take care sweetie. Hopefully this friend of yours doesn't yell at you for this.