It's Saturday. All the cool parties are happening. What am I doing? Sitting at home.
I spent three hours last night making evil angel wings out of coat hangers and tule... for nothing. Well, I can wear them to work tomorrow, but that's just not as cool as swinging by the bar or a kick ass party. Why aren't there any cool parties after high school around here? Shit, I might have to start having them myself. Then my house will be nasty, things'll be broken, and shit'll be stolen... that might not work.
I'm going to have to plan one. Maybe a Thursday night combination with poker night. That could work. Or maybe something around Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas.... nobody is getting presents this year. I'm too poor. They're going to get a photo card, and maybe an ornament if they're lucky. Why do I even celebrate anyway??? I'm a freaking atheist whose's been to church three times in my life, but I celebrate christian holidays. That's weird. It's my parents fault though, not mine!
That's last Christmas. No, I don't celebrate like everyone else... it's MUCH more fun.
If anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong with my pictures, please, please, please write me and tell me. They are sooooo tiny!!!
I'll take a picture of me and the hubby tomorrow (not like you'll be able to see us if we're THAT small) in whatever kind of shitty assed costumes we come up with. Happy Halloween everyone!
I spent three hours last night making evil angel wings out of coat hangers and tule... for nothing. Well, I can wear them to work tomorrow, but that's just not as cool as swinging by the bar or a kick ass party. Why aren't there any cool parties after high school around here? Shit, I might have to start having them myself. Then my house will be nasty, things'll be broken, and shit'll be stolen... that might not work.
I'm going to have to plan one. Maybe a Thursday night combination with poker night. That could work. Or maybe something around Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas.... nobody is getting presents this year. I'm too poor. They're going to get a photo card, and maybe an ornament if they're lucky. Why do I even celebrate anyway??? I'm a freaking atheist whose's been to church three times in my life, but I celebrate christian holidays. That's weird. It's my parents fault though, not mine!
That's last Christmas. No, I don't celebrate like everyone else... it's MUCH more fun.

If anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong with my pictures, please, please, please write me and tell me. They are sooooo tiny!!!
I'll take a picture of me and the hubby tomorrow (not like you'll be able to see us if we're THAT small) in whatever kind of shitty assed costumes we come up with. Happy Halloween everyone!

Im not sure what you're taking the photos at. My camera only takes big photos, so I edit them down with my program. Obviously you have some sort of program. You should size them to the absolute maximum to fit on SG. I did the house party thing for years. It sucked. It's basicly volunteering to be leeched from, be a babysitter, and have your shit fucked up at the expense of having something to do. Shit, since your of age, you and your hubby can go out with my girl and me. I'll show you the spots. Get a copy of the barfly as well. later.