The mountains going to blow.... and if it happens tomorrow... I'm gonna be there! How exciting. I'm waking up at 4:30 to drop Hubby off at work... then coming home and selling all of my possessions that I don't really need on Ebay. Then I'm going to pack a picnic lunch and some board games, and head up to the mountain. After I pick Eric up of course.
Work has been sucking, and we're really poor. I'm scheduled three days off this week, and even though I have the option to go in, I'm thinking of just taking it off and finally having a garage sale. Yeah.
I bought some Halloween decorations today, and picked out my Xmas lights. White icicle lights, and those little circle bulbs for the bottom trim of my house. Hopefully it'll look cute. We'll see. We also found these really cool bulbs for our tree. They are big ones that change from red, blue, green, and yellow I think. THey're pretty expensive... $15.00 for six... but they're so cool I HAVE to have them. Ha... this right after I'm talking about getting rid of all the possessions I don't need. Silly me.
Work has been sucking, and we're really poor. I'm scheduled three days off this week, and even though I have the option to go in, I'm thinking of just taking it off and finally having a garage sale. Yeah.
I bought some Halloween decorations today, and picked out my Xmas lights. White icicle lights, and those little circle bulbs for the bottom trim of my house. Hopefully it'll look cute. We'll see. We also found these really cool bulbs for our tree. They are big ones that change from red, blue, green, and yellow I think. THey're pretty expensive... $15.00 for six... but they're so cool I HAVE to have them. Ha... this right after I'm talking about getting rid of all the possessions I don't need. Silly me.

No my name is not Haley. I just knew one who was a total slut. Went to high school with her. Just thought it would be funny if it was the same girl.
Anything exciting at the mountain today?