Thanks for the cheap things to do. Now I just have to get out and do them.
Yesturday, I was planning on driving down to Battleground to visit my aunt and show off my new car. We decided to go through the car wash so it'd be all nice and shiny and clean. The guys washed my tires off, then helped me pull into the little track thing. All of a sudden there's this loud sccrrreeeaaacchhhbbooomggrrinnnnddd... your car is falling apart noise. Apparently because our car is lowered, we can't take it to the car wash. Oh my... I'm devastated now. I had all these plans on taking it, every pay day, to the hand wash car wash and keeping it all nice. Now, I can't actaully see myself washing my car in the middle of winter... hell.... summer for that matter! So I'm going to have a nice, yet dirty car. Yay me!
But anyways, my "uncle" was jealous of our car, and gave me shit because it's "pink". I used to give them shit because of their pinkish Xterra. All is well now, we're even.
I held my little cousin for the first time. I'm always scared to hold tiny little babies for some reason, and now that he's a few months old, he seems less breakable. And he's got the most cute baby hair in the whole world. It's blonde, and thick, and does that "rock-star-just my bangs are sticking up" thing in the front. How cute!
People keep asking me all the time when I'm going to have a baby. Is it a must to have a kid within the first two years of marraige? Did I sign a fucking contract that I have no memory of? I'm confused. Sometimes it almost seems like people are pissed at me. When they ask "so, when are you going to have a little on?" I've started replying "either when we have an accident or adopt". It usually shuts them right up.
Really I don't even want a kid, but wouldn't freak out if I got pregnant. I told Eric that now that we have a house, a car, and a dog, and are broke, I'll probably get pregnant. It seems to always happen to everything else when things are fucked up. Hopefully that wont be me!!!
Yesturday, I was planning on driving down to Battleground to visit my aunt and show off my new car. We decided to go through the car wash so it'd be all nice and shiny and clean. The guys washed my tires off, then helped me pull into the little track thing. All of a sudden there's this loud sccrrreeeaaacchhhbbooomggrrinnnnddd... your car is falling apart noise. Apparently because our car is lowered, we can't take it to the car wash. Oh my... I'm devastated now. I had all these plans on taking it, every pay day, to the hand wash car wash and keeping it all nice. Now, I can't actaully see myself washing my car in the middle of winter... hell.... summer for that matter! So I'm going to have a nice, yet dirty car. Yay me!

But anyways, my "uncle" was jealous of our car, and gave me shit because it's "pink". I used to give them shit because of their pinkish Xterra. All is well now, we're even.
I held my little cousin for the first time. I'm always scared to hold tiny little babies for some reason, and now that he's a few months old, he seems less breakable. And he's got the most cute baby hair in the whole world. It's blonde, and thick, and does that "rock-star-just my bangs are sticking up" thing in the front. How cute!
People keep asking me all the time when I'm going to have a baby. Is it a must to have a kid within the first two years of marraige? Did I sign a fucking contract that I have no memory of? I'm confused. Sometimes it almost seems like people are pissed at me. When they ask "so, when are you going to have a little on?" I've started replying "either when we have an accident or adopt". It usually shuts them right up.
Really I don't even want a kid, but wouldn't freak out if I got pregnant. I told Eric that now that we have a house, a car, and a dog, and are broke, I'll probably get pregnant. It seems to always happen to everything else when things are fucked up. Hopefully that wont be me!!!

In a way I'm starting to sort of want one of my own (in ten or fifteen years) but in another I don't want one ever. I'll adopt and have that test period or whatever.]
Hey! You were in BG yesterday. Ya shoulda gave a me a call yo! That would have been sweet to meet you. Email me!
I know just what your talking about with the whole kid thing. Blech.
The stripper thing is definately on my possibility list now....
Yeah, I think Klub Z is still there, downtown.