No Peace... No Glory... Just hard work. Full Grind mode. I'd say keep up but that's not gonna happen so i'll just say watch me.
Its like this... Since I left I've been through the hardest things in my life. Days and days with out sleep, physical suffering- hospital visits. My body has forced me to be a vision of discipline and focus...
Forced out of my place w no money- Had to move back to the hood. 19th st south side. No money barley a place to live. -Gypsy status. I've learned to make it work. Standing on my own two - Back against the wall.
Living Room Wall @ 19th & Wood
Have been working at Archer Ave Tattoo as an apprentice. The same shop where the lovely BelleBane gets her work done. It hasn't been easy. Opening the shop every day- bustin my ass- drawing like crazy- and learning to tattoo!
Here's what I got So far...
Archer Ave. Tattoo shop printer after we decided it fucked up 1 too many times...
New Drawings...
Paid Graf Gig! Art is paying the RENT! whaaatup!
Archer Ave. Tattoo at the Chicago Tattoo Convention
Recorded a full length album of nothing slick just straight chicago punk rock with "Red Channel!" Knocked it out in 4 days! stayed up all night playing drums and drinking beer. check out some of the tunes @ http://www.myspace.com/redchannelrocks (Ill find a better link soon...)
New tattoos...
From My Pri in South Texas @ Metal Heart Tattoo
From Diana! @ Archer Ave tattoo!
You will tattoo me one day. It will happen.
I wish art was paying MY rent, keep it up