that is lame you needed to take your piercings out for a job... you could not just take them out while on the job? anyway, figured i would say hello and solicit friendship. =)
In a world of giants the hobbit runs inbetween peoples legs much like a cat, i dunno....cute girls are always taller than me...cute girl roughly my height...some one call guiness
does anyone out there reading this take Adderall? i have some, uhm, questions...
*sigh* my best friend comes in about 3 weeks. he's on tour with his band. i love him more than anything in the world. please listen to his band and like itor i'll kick you in the face. also, they're playing mad planet on april 17th... and i'll be there... Read More
Nyquil is great to have....but to much might make you wanna start dancing uncontrollably....which if thats a good thing hey more power to you. Nothing like celebrating the flu in the living room listioning to space odity...or is that just me?
so i had my practical for school on friday. if any of you watch Iron Chef (i'm a nerd, ok i know.) - it was almost exactly like that.
i had never been so stressed out in my entire life! cripes. i was shaking so bad, for a couple hours after it was over, too. i think i did ok though. i'll find out in... Read More
Are you going to cooking school? If so, that's awesome! I just recently came across you on the site, and I had no idea. I'd love to know what that's all about--I've been thinking about moving to the Virgin Islands and going to cooking school there.
i have this guy on AIM harrassing me and telling me that i'm fat. i have a feeling it's this guy that tried to uhm, get me drunk and rip off my clothes. and after i frrreaked out on him- i spit in his face and left. so, that could be him.
the thing is, he said he saw me at school... and uhm, he... Read More
alright, as a guy i dont normally condone this kind of action but in this case i think a swift kick in the nuts isnt out of the question. drop that stalker dude!!!!
i went to a hotel party last night at the hyatt. pretty fun. although there was this guy there that wanted to talk politics and religion... and i kinda wanted to smack him and go... UH, WE'RE ALL DRUNK, NOW IS NOT THE TIME! i hate having deep convos when i'm drunk. my attention span is pretty much non-existant, so it makes it hard to... Read More
yay for alk3! i get to see them july 24th in seattle