I ran across an interesting scenario the other day. I had some people over at my house for some drinks. I knew everyone except for these two rather douchey looking fellows. One of them comes up to me with a drunken wobble.
He says, "I've read your interviews. I dont like them."
So I respond, "Well sir, what specifically dont you like about them?"
"Just your whole writing style" He says very douche-ly.
So I say, "Well what interviews have you read because I've done over 300 of them and the style has varied a lot over the years."
He stumbles over his words as he responds, "I cant remember, I just remember that I didn't like them."
It was about this time that I realized I had engaged a complete jackass in a conversation with no point. I thought about that conversation for quite a while that night and finally came to the conclusion that if wankers like that guy actually liked my writing, I've been doing something horribly wrong all these years.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Suicide Girls for allowing me to continue to do interviews alongside some of the great writers who have made this site such a great place for art to be seen and heard over the years. I look forward to a long and happy partnership with SG. Cheers!
He says, "I've read your interviews. I dont like them."
So I respond, "Well sir, what specifically dont you like about them?"
"Just your whole writing style" He says very douche-ly.
So I say, "Well what interviews have you read because I've done over 300 of them and the style has varied a lot over the years."
He stumbles over his words as he responds, "I cant remember, I just remember that I didn't like them."
It was about this time that I realized I had engaged a complete jackass in a conversation with no point. I thought about that conversation for quite a while that night and finally came to the conclusion that if wankers like that guy actually liked my writing, I've been doing something horribly wrong all these years.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Suicide Girls for allowing me to continue to do interviews alongside some of the great writers who have made this site such a great place for art to be seen and heard over the years. I look forward to a long and happy partnership with SG. Cheers!
i think in most conversations i have with others it's a short moment before i realize that i've engaged in a conversation with a complete jackass with no point.

FYI, that guy eventually threw up in my yard and we had to drag the poor bastard back into the house because I live in Minnesota and it was like 10 below ouside that night....some people cant hold their booze.