So I really want to buy this scooter from this person on Craigslist, but I haven't gotten an email or a call back yet. I want and/or need a scooter to get around now that I've moved to dumbfuck nowhere, San Francisco, and it can't be an electric one because then it can't do the hills.

So I want a scooter. Specifically, I want this...
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I posted in the FanArt group!
Weee! I'm back...

And guess what? I just graduated Clown School! I'm officially a professional clown and variety performer, so says the freshly framed certificate on my wall.

I'm enrolled in the second year program, so I'll still be training in clowning and circus skills at the SF Circus Center this coming up year. I'm beginning an exploration of juggling with and as music and...
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Every now and then I get down and glum. The chemicals in my brain start to win the long, cold fight. And then I remember this little story.. and I think about why I'm doing what I'm doing, and why I am here...

Burning Man 2004. It was.. Tuesday night I think, maybe Wednesday. For some strange confluence of events, everyone else in camp had...
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Great journal entry.
Just plain superb.

I'd love to come along.
What can I say about my life right now, except that I love how it's going. For the most part.

I love school. I know that this is truly what I want to be doing. The Holiday break was two weeks long, and it seemed too long to be bearable. I just wanted to get back to training at the Circus Center.

Now if only...
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Saw MIRRORMASK tonight. I would definately recommend it to anyone who is thinking of going to see it. It wasn't as great as I had hoped it to be, but then again, with movies like that I am VERY hard to please.

I see seams in computer graphics and visual art like that more than most people I think. Its probably the training in electronic...
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Hey you, happy birthday! How was your Halloween? kiss
Happy Holidays!
Updates are few and far between for me lately, no? I'll write soon.
I just realized.. there are people out there who have partied with George W ..on cocaine.

What an awful way to spend your one weekend a month and two weeks a year.
okay.. breathe... dont freak out... your face isnt going to melt off your head... well not just yet anyway.

I'll make you a mask if it does.
does this smell like chlorform to you?
Oh no.. 3rd times a charm, you aint foolin me that easily