So I am fucken honest about whats going on in my life... so I write a bunch of crap that some may not want to read... I aint gunna candy coat anything for anyone... and if ya dont like it you can shove it... doesnt see why I even try anymore... cant please them all and if you try you just get burned out... I am sooo sorry I am not up to par with what some of you do but doesnt mean ya have to be assholes about it... So I may not follow what your standars are in life... fuck I aint gunna be running around this world the rest of my life like a little puppy dog chasing its tail just to make someone else happy. So to those of you who dont like me because I am not a mindless robot living each day like you do... all I gotta say is go fuck yourselves
The Aftermath (The Cost of Vanity)
And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad,
the dreams in which Im dying are the best Ive ever had.
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take.
When people run in circles its a very very mad world. Tears for Fears Mad World
This is the aftermath of a sin:
she lay there, crumpled,
crimson flowing from her alabaster hands
onto the pale linoleum floor,
still clutching me.
Unmoving, steadfast, she dies.
She lays there as I forsake her
shattering as I watch her
there on the stained linoleum.
Still I feel guilt for her fall.
As she descended into self-destruction,
I watched, saying nothing, while she stared back.
She knew that through me she saw herself;
this frightened her, causing the descent into isolation.
I never told her what I really thought
nor would I have been able to:
The void in her soul persisted, creating a rift,
and she, too far gone, closed herself off.
Now, I, guilt-stricken lie next to her, our souls reunited
Written by Neo (Pogue Moran)

The Aftermath (The Cost of Vanity)
And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad,
the dreams in which Im dying are the best Ive ever had.
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take.
When people run in circles its a very very mad world. Tears for Fears Mad World
This is the aftermath of a sin:
she lay there, crumpled,
crimson flowing from her alabaster hands
onto the pale linoleum floor,
still clutching me.
Unmoving, steadfast, she dies.
She lays there as I forsake her
shattering as I watch her
there on the stained linoleum.
Still I feel guilt for her fall.
As she descended into self-destruction,
I watched, saying nothing, while she stared back.
She knew that through me she saw herself;
this frightened her, causing the descent into isolation.
I never told her what I really thought
nor would I have been able to:
The void in her soul persisted, creating a rift,
and she, too far gone, closed herself off.
Now, I, guilt-stricken lie next to her, our souls reunited
Written by Neo (Pogue Moran)