Just got back from the load-out of Miley Cyrus in Des Moines. As one would expect, it was a great show in a the technical aspect; I came in to work at the tail-end of the concert so I only heard a bit, and her voice was tired by then. But she played her newest hits well enough(not a big Miley fan, always feel pervy when I see her).
Definitely worth it, though. Made $500 in 2 days, thanks to being on the rigging team. After this paycheck, I am contemplating going full union...automatic paybump and some more hours. From all of my experience at my current job, I have much more experience then most of the guys that have been in the union less then 10 years. So, they have been giving us good jobs over full union guys(mostly to entice into signing papers and joining, I think).
Going to talk to my boss tomorrow and make sure there won't be any sort of super drama from me joining the union -- don't see it being a problem, as long as I still make the current job first priority.
We shall see.
Also: Going to go reserve some time to start work on my sleeve...as soon as Churtch gets the appointment book updated at Lasting Impressions.
Definitely worth it, though. Made $500 in 2 days, thanks to being on the rigging team. After this paycheck, I am contemplating going full union...automatic paybump and some more hours. From all of my experience at my current job, I have much more experience then most of the guys that have been in the union less then 10 years. So, they have been giving us good jobs over full union guys(mostly to entice into signing papers and joining, I think).
Going to talk to my boss tomorrow and make sure there won't be any sort of super drama from me joining the union -- don't see it being a problem, as long as I still make the current job first priority.
We shall see.
Also: Going to go reserve some time to start work on my sleeve...as soon as Churtch gets the appointment book updated at Lasting Impressions.