Pretty much fully recovered from yesterday's concert at work, except my back. Ironically, I spent a lot of the day shadowing a roadie because he had completely fucked his back the last concert on their tour. Anyway, I started out the day rigging up the lighting truss, then moved on to help the guy out, got to get the opening band off after their set, and then reversed it all. Pretty nice day for a 19 hour day.
The worst part of the whole thing was at the end. The promoter for the concert is a regular for last umpteen years, so he likes to treat our crew to drinks and pizza after the event. He got everything ready for us, but before the load-out was complete some drunk fans that were invited back by the band saw the beer and stole it. One of my crew saw it and shouted after them, but our head security guy decided the drunk fans should keep the beer mostly because it made his job easier. Luckily our boss decided we deserved it and sent out one of my crew out to grab a case for us; love my boss sometimes.
And for your pleasure: I was killing some time when I had a bit of down time at work and updated our wall calendar. I drew a couple pictures and this was my fave(forgive the cell phone pic):
A zombie pumpkin, and of course instead of craving brains he is moaning for "seeds".
The worst part of the whole thing was at the end. The promoter for the concert is a regular for last umpteen years, so he likes to treat our crew to drinks and pizza after the event. He got everything ready for us, but before the load-out was complete some drunk fans that were invited back by the band saw the beer and stole it. One of my crew saw it and shouted after them, but our head security guy decided the drunk fans should keep the beer mostly because it made his job easier. Luckily our boss decided we deserved it and sent out one of my crew out to grab a case for us; love my boss sometimes.
And for your pleasure: I was killing some time when I had a bit of down time at work and updated our wall calendar. I drew a couple pictures and this was my fave(forgive the cell phone pic):

A zombie pumpkin, and of course instead of craving brains he is moaning for "seeds".
that zombie pumpkin is awesome