I saw Dawn of the Dead today!!.. I'm still in Denver. Right now I'm at the studio. Josh is going to record me saying
"The Daisy Chain clit lickers want your cock for the grand finale!"
I rule
Jeff is touching my boob
I have buisiness to attend to.
You do rule
my sum would be small as well (i'm at a non-profit too), but i fortunately have a few credits built up from my days as a student, and i can still use them 2 years later. smile
I like this Denver place. Jeffrey met me here. SO everything has been beautiful and glorious.
denver is beautiful...
awesome..are u still there?
Going to Denver tommorrow
coming back late next week.

I wanna drive to LA, but it would be very tiring, I don't know if I'm up for tiring events.

For some reason it doesn't feel like I'm traveling tommorrow and I'm a little sad. It might be because I miss that lover man of mine. I sent him a present today. He sent me a...
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I've felt like that before traveling.. and it does suck frown Oh well.. good luck in your trip biggrin
I wanna do it...

I feel like I'm a whore in pretty woman today... but in the good way

I don't really have to much to say. I am reading the Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. Good stuff.
i feel like a pretty woman today too!! i guess its ALL good heh! wink
Its been a day or two. I'm at my yoga teacher's house, she is so sweet. She gave me some extra money for my Denver trip. I'm going to buy her flowers, or maybe I'll just leave all the petals on her doorstep, they'll spell " Thank You". I went to school today and I also went to Subway and had a free sandwich. Gotta...
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Have fun! I love to listen to The Vapors/New Clear Days. Also The Clash box set.
Have a good road trip.

I don't have a specific favorite driving song or album, but my man and I usually listen to some David Gray and some Tragically Hip whilst on the road. smile

I am getting a Billie Holiday tattoo on my leg, or may be on my shoulder, but she deserves to be somewhere cause she fucking owns the day

My friend Jordan had her clit ring ripped out by her little infant Niko... gotta love kids

Today is pretty so no more posting, I'm going somewhere, don't know where yet
any suggestions?
I'm thinking about...
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i would so fuck me! hahahha! yea..why not!? wink
you're profile pic is beautiful!

and ouch about the clit ring. good gawd that would hurt. eeek

hope your sunday turned out well. smile
last night was fun. I went to lawrence and saw Stretch Arm Strong. They are such smart guys. Stupid drunks piss me off. I like drunk people, and I like being drunk but assholes are not satisfying, especially when they disrespect artists.
I'm done with that rant.

Today I gave blood, good times.

My hair is insisting on remaining pink and purple. I let the...
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I so had a kickass night last night.
The Skags played and us nasty girls found oursleves beaten some people up... then me being a wimp got hurt and now I'm limping. So i got drunk and spit out the window which overlooks a bar...I felt good... I haven't been that happy in a while.. my boy hasn't called me since tuesday, and that makes...
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Happy....I like getting e-mail. E-mail makes me smile though I think letters in the mail would be much more satisfying, but those only come every once in a while. I wish I knew latin, its such a pretty language. Maybe i could learn Italian because it is easier to find places that teach it. So I sang most of the day and my voice is...
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