Yay. I don't have to go to work for 4 days! In some cases that's great, but don't get it twisted, I will be working my tail off around the house. Mu husband is cooking dinner tomorrow, but I have to be at his side, standing ready for anything that he may need. Also, I am designated Kid watcher for the entire 4 days.

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Laundry and football here too. And me doing most of the cooking!
Happy Turkey Day!
Hey now. It's fucking friday. yeah. I am enjoying my night, not drinking. Not going anywhere. Staying here and waiting for my sister-in-law and ger kids to show up to destroy our house. They're spending the night. I am already tired. I wanted to hit a meeting but my husband didn't want to be left lone with the monsters.

oh well, i will go tomorrow...
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I like your profile pic...A LOT!!!!!!!! Thanks for befriending me! smile
It's Thursday and I am pretty happy about it. They say that it's going to rain today and I am so happy about it. I love the rain! Also, I am feeling much better than I did yesterday. My cold is hanging in there, but my head isn't as full of snot as it was.
I came home from work early, hit an noontime AA...
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Happy Sunday. I am actually going to church today with the kids and my mother. It is Football Season, but the RAIDERS don't play until later, so it will be ok if I don't watch all of the games.

My daughter has a play date at 1, so it will be just me and the boy this afternoon.

Hopefully I can make a dent in...
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Just when I get all amped to take the kids out to the Zoo, the rain comes down. Thank goodness for the Boomerang channel, that way we can all watch quality cartoons.
Goal today - not to drink any alcohol and to do & put away at least 5 loads of laundry. No big deal, try doing it when you're a procrastinator and alcoholic.

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So here it is,Sunday again. I am hopingthat this Sunday is a bit different. I had a few beers yesterday and I am going to try to not drink anything today. Justlike I made a habit of drinking a lot of alcahol everyday, I am hoping to make a habit of NOT drinking alcahol. One day at a time. Let's see how long I can...
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Hey now. I just got back from the park with my son. Today's my hunny's birthday. So I have to go to the landfill, then buy a biucket and some hummus.

Have a great day everybody.

What up? I've been away for a long time. Sorry, neglecting my duties as a proud SG member. I have been better, but I've also been worse. I have had this feeling lately which is hard to explain, I guess it's a little like 'this is the first dsy of the rest of your life', 'carpe deium', change is the action you take which will...
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The truth is, I am just trying to figure out how all this shit worksown up. I am a mother, a wife, adn I am apparently a grown up. Why do I feel like a little kid looking at stars and sand, wondering where they come from. I'm still trying to figure out what my life will look like when my story is written. I...
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Happy Friday. This week dragged ass and I am really glad that it's almost over.
Hope all is well with all of the beautiful people out there.
I have to go wake up my 2 year old now. Cover your ears, there will be screaming.
Have a great day, all.