Ok, to continue from last time ...
Havent smoke tobacco in 4 weeks. Cravings still there, sometimes overwhelming still.
Work, still a daily shit storm, but am grateful I have a job.
My boss is definetly bipolar.
Weight gain dropped to +7 lbs since quitting. Working out more.
The gf ... still thinks I am mean, I think I am sarcastic and make fun of everything, including myself mostly.
Mailbox #3 still there. Otherwise I have boobie traps in mind.
Its definetly the gf as far as the reason to low sex drive. She isnt doing it for me anymore.
Still feels like a wasted summer, but got some boating and hiking with the dogs in.
Subaru is dead. Kid who bought it drove it through a puddle and seized the motor. Dumbass.

Noodles just needed attention. She has been a good girl lately.

Anyway, my friend from AZ is home for the weekend. Outer Banks vacation coming in 2 weeks. Other things that may or may not work out. Life is peculiar lately.
Havent smoke tobacco in 4 weeks. Cravings still there, sometimes overwhelming still.
Work, still a daily shit storm, but am grateful I have a job.
My boss is definetly bipolar.
Weight gain dropped to +7 lbs since quitting. Working out more.
The gf ... still thinks I am mean, I think I am sarcastic and make fun of everything, including myself mostly.
Mailbox #3 still there. Otherwise I have boobie traps in mind.
Its definetly the gf as far as the reason to low sex drive. She isnt doing it for me anymore.

Still feels like a wasted summer, but got some boating and hiking with the dogs in.
Subaru is dead. Kid who bought it drove it through a puddle and seized the motor. Dumbass.

Noodles just needed attention. She has been a good girl lately.

Anyway, my friend from AZ is home for the weekend. Outer Banks vacation coming in 2 weeks. Other things that may or may not work out. Life is peculiar lately.
November 22nd. Get in touch with me or MDF or Jason maybe I can see you? HMMMMMMMM