SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I feel like a fucking mental patient lately ... lemme esplain ...
Quit smoking almost 2 weeks ago, thats probably got a big hand in it the last 10-11 days.
My job is always busiest in the summer, its essentially a massive shit storm every day and at 5 o"clock you feel thankful to have gotten out in one piece.
Half the people there also have no experience, so on top of juggling my own shit, I am answering the same questions over and over.
My boss is a bipolar dick.
I have gained 10 lbs in the above mentioned 2 weeks.
My girlfriend thinks I have been mean to her for the passed month and I dont see it ... not even a little bit. Even with the not smoking, I have been going out of my way to be really sweet and nice.
Someone stole my mailbox, then blasted and destroyed the 2nd one.
Why has my sex drive gone in the toilet? Is it my gf or is it me? Upsets me to say that I dont think its me.
I have gotten none of what I have wanted to do this summer done ... not even close.
I miss my Subaru ... yea I know, gay, I keep seeing it though.
My puppy is escaping every non-roofed enclosure ... 6' fence, cleared it no problem.
Soooooooo ... I just spoilered that rant up there, I left it for my own personal reflection at a later date, unless you wanna read some woah is me crap, dont even bother. Bah ... I'm done with this mopey ass shit ... gonna go ride my bike in the rain, maybe see some more bears. Saw a momma and her 4 cubs about a half a mile down the road from my house. Just stopped on the side of the road and stared at each other for 10 minutes. 
congrats on the quitting smoking...
i bet you miss your subaru
your puppy can flyyyy