So there is this abandoned house next to me, broke in 2 months ago and took some random crap. Had a few people over that night and one of the items was this giant candle stick holder looking thing. Had chinese dragons on the bottom, ancient egyptian looking dogs on the dragons, elepahnts on top of them, hell hound looking dogs on top of them, 3 half naked women ... and then something else on top of them, I forget. Point is that night I joked that it was going to be like when the Brady Bunch went to Hawaii and stole the tiki god out of the cave and had all sorts of bad luck after .... Well fuck me if the last 2 months havent been one train wreck after the other .... here and there some stupid shit would happen, which I quickly laughed off and dismissed, but it got to the point where it was an every day occurence. Long story short, I threw that fucking thing over the fence at the house the other night. Hopefully things start going back to normal soon. I am not a really superstitious kind of guy, but it was just really weird and started seeming like less and less of a coincidence as the days turned into weeks of misofrtune. lol 

aww. hopefully things go back to normal silly 

Freaky!! I'm sending you positive vibes from here!!!