Ok, so seriously, teepee .... I need volunteers. STAT! lol
SOoooooo here come the pictures ....
I cant decide what to do with her, keep her and buy a beater pickup or sell her and get a nice newer truck. She is impractical as an every day driver, but a beater may end up costing me money too. I am so all over the place with what to do I cant make a decision.

So who is old enough to remember these? My girlfriend and I took 4 of the dogs hiking with her niece. I spotted it 20 yards away and was like, "BABY! Its one of those juices boxes from the 70's/80's!" And sure as fuck it was one!

Oh and speaking of the dogs, I just took this of some of them watching me get high and type this out while I listen to this ...
... see ....

Thats the Czech border patrol shepherd Mace, Noodles the pitty pup, and Chichi the bridge troll ... lol we dont know what she is, looks like toto with the tempermant of Satan. She is like 15 and was a rescue, she is sweet to us, just dont touch her if you dont know her or are another dog. lol
So the 2 houses next to us have some crazy bullshit going on, white trash tenants got evicted, landloard evading taxes so they wont let him rent them out, which is fine, its quieter, but looks what these dumbasses left behind ....

There is a huuuuge jacuzzi in the house too, I keep telling my girlfriend we should take it, but again, I need manpower ... anyone willing to come help with the jacuzzi and teepee can be guaranteed invites to some of the dopest parties you have ever been to. There is a pool, hammock, fire pit and we are also building a tiki bar in the summer.
Yeeeaaaaaa, speaking of white trash, a LOT of them there mother fuckers up in this piece. This is more woodsy them I am used to, but the people are all cool so far. Oh, and here is proof of the white trash ...

Seriously though, wtf? If you agree with this picture and find yourself defending it, please, dont try to start an argument ... just quietly remove yourself from my friends k?
Running late the other day for dinner at the parents and got held up if traffic, this car used to be a Chrysler Seabring convertible. The dude was walking around next to the car. Lucky sob.

The girly sent me out for groceries awhile back, she instructed me to buy the big can of beans and was surprised when I brought this home ...

So my new pitty puppy Noodles is the cutest fucking dog ever and she loves Kelly, our lab ...

No but really, she loves Kelly ...

She also loves her buddy Buddha another pitty who doubled her size and gets his ass kicked every time they hang out lol

Fuck, I have to cut this short, nasty lightning storm rolling through and dont wanna lose power in the middle of this, have some shit to do anyway and plus then I have some cool shit to post again in the next one. Pictures are taking to long to upload from my phone ....
I am still amazed every day for the passed 4 months, I have found an amazing woman who is as giving as I am. Never thought it would happen. She makes me excited to come home and see her every day.
Anyway, weigh in on some of this stuff I threw up here so I dont feel like I waste my time and people are actually interested in my blathering bull shit. lol bit of an ego stroke maybe, but I just wonder ... thanks, shake it easy ya'll!
SOoooooo here come the pictures ....
I cant decide what to do with her, keep her and buy a beater pickup or sell her and get a nice newer truck. She is impractical as an every day driver, but a beater may end up costing me money too. I am so all over the place with what to do I cant make a decision.

So who is old enough to remember these? My girlfriend and I took 4 of the dogs hiking with her niece. I spotted it 20 yards away and was like, "BABY! Its one of those juices boxes from the 70's/80's!" And sure as fuck it was one!

Oh and speaking of the dogs, I just took this of some of them watching me get high and type this out while I listen to this ...
... see ....

Thats the Czech border patrol shepherd Mace, Noodles the pitty pup, and Chichi the bridge troll ... lol we dont know what she is, looks like toto with the tempermant of Satan. She is like 15 and was a rescue, she is sweet to us, just dont touch her if you dont know her or are another dog. lol
So the 2 houses next to us have some crazy bullshit going on, white trash tenants got evicted, landloard evading taxes so they wont let him rent them out, which is fine, its quieter, but looks what these dumbasses left behind ....

There is a huuuuge jacuzzi in the house too, I keep telling my girlfriend we should take it, but again, I need manpower ... anyone willing to come help with the jacuzzi and teepee can be guaranteed invites to some of the dopest parties you have ever been to. There is a pool, hammock, fire pit and we are also building a tiki bar in the summer.
Yeeeaaaaaa, speaking of white trash, a LOT of them there mother fuckers up in this piece. This is more woodsy them I am used to, but the people are all cool so far. Oh, and here is proof of the white trash ...

Seriously though, wtf? If you agree with this picture and find yourself defending it, please, dont try to start an argument ... just quietly remove yourself from my friends k?
Running late the other day for dinner at the parents and got held up if traffic, this car used to be a Chrysler Seabring convertible. The dude was walking around next to the car. Lucky sob.

The girly sent me out for groceries awhile back, she instructed me to buy the big can of beans and was surprised when I brought this home ...

So my new pitty puppy Noodles is the cutest fucking dog ever and she loves Kelly, our lab ...

No but really, she loves Kelly ...

She also loves her buddy Buddha another pitty who doubled her size and gets his ass kicked every time they hang out lol

Fuck, I have to cut this short, nasty lightning storm rolling through and dont wanna lose power in the middle of this, have some shit to do anyway and plus then I have some cool shit to post again in the next one. Pictures are taking to long to upload from my phone ....
I am still amazed every day for the passed 4 months, I have found an amazing woman who is as giving as I am. Never thought it would happen. She makes me excited to come home and see her every day.
Anyway, weigh in on some of this stuff I threw up here so I dont feel like I waste my time and people are actually interested in my blathering bull shit. lol bit of an ego stroke maybe, but I just wonder ... thanks, shake it easy ya'll!
glad things are going well for ya!