I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Internet back up and running, still with the girly up is West Milford ... I keep thinking I am going to get attacked by bears whenever I go in front of the house lol city boy has got some made paranoia I guess. Either that or I should stop wandering around the dark woods when I am baked off my ass. Owls and coyotes I am still getting used to. The neighbors farm next door and her 2 donkeys going nuts whenever I wanna take an afternoon nap are becoming routine. Frogs and crickets that are almost deafening at night have become something I dont think I could sleep without now that spring is here. Even though its the woods and obviously less of a population, I see some bad ass hooked up Subies damn near every mile. I have a paranoia about hitting deer, although I am sure they can hear my loud ass exhaust coming for miles. The girly got me a pitty, I named her Noodles, she has sky blue eyes and is white and brown, the cutest fucking pit you have ever seen I guarantee. Anyway, more shit to do around the house, pictures to come soon rest assured. I missed you guys!!!!!

Internet back up and running, still with the girly up is West Milford ... I keep thinking I am going to get attacked by bears whenever I go in front of the house lol city boy has got some made paranoia I guess. Either that or I should stop wandering around the dark woods when I am baked off my ass. Owls and coyotes I am still getting used to. The neighbors farm next door and her 2 donkeys going nuts whenever I wanna take an afternoon nap are becoming routine. Frogs and crickets that are almost deafening at night have become something I dont think I could sleep without now that spring is here. Even though its the woods and obviously less of a population, I see some bad ass hooked up Subies damn near every mile. I have a paranoia about hitting deer, although I am sure they can hear my loud ass exhaust coming for miles. The girly got me a pitty, I named her Noodles, she has sky blue eyes and is white and brown, the cutest fucking pit you have ever seen I guarantee. Anyway, more shit to do around the house, pictures to come soon rest assured. I missed you guys!!!!!

Can't wait! 

hey poopfuck, i miss you!