Ok, this is it. Took me the better part of the afternoon downloading pictures and what not, but grab a snack, this is the mega picture filled post I have been promising. Hope you guys enjoy cuz this shit took me practically all fucking day lol Some of these pictures have made it on here before, but I didnt feel like cross referancing previous blogs to make sure. Some of this shit goes back 3+ years. Enjoy ....
I am going to start off with something that happened a year ago that still makes me sad.

That was the day I brought her home, I know I know, its real corny and lame that I am still talking about my old car, but it took a long time for me to find it. One that is in good condition and hasnt been beat to shit is really hard to come by, anyway I had detailed her the afternoon before crashing it and went to a party that night, had maybe 3 beers ....

then called it an early night because I was feeling a bit tired and not too social, was taking it nice and easy driving home, maybe doing 35mph and the back end slid out on me, jumped the curb and hit a telephone pole ....

These pictures have been stuck on my camera as well as the next 3, wasnt wearing my seat belt, face hit the air bag, then the windshield ...

What the camera doesnt show very well are all the cuts around my left eye, there was one deep laceration on my eyebrow and another that was 1/8 of an inch from my eyeball. Still feel very fortunate to have walked away from that, but miss that car none the less.
A picture my friend sent that she took of me, we were going to a 90's themed party, I decided to dress as a "vato", Mexican dudes with their shirts only buttoned at the very top with banadanas almost covering their eyes. Anyway, she sent me this after hearing how I was still sad about not having the car anymore ...

In other news, my issue with my car has been resolved and Subaru has agreed to repainting my entire car AND refinishing 2 of my wheels AND clear vinyling certain sections of my car. It may sound silly, but its an enormous weight lifted off my shoulders. This was stressing me out like you wouldnt believe. I didnt spend a shit load of money on a car with the expectation that within a year the paint would be virtually destroyed already. Have to set an appointment and within the next few weeks she will be looking good as new again.
Found some pictures of a party for Khoos's going away party in Canada. Need to take a random road trip for some poutine soon. Have also been wanting to go to Montreal to check out the giant hippy drum circles that happen in the park downtown every Sunday. Anyway some pictures ...

Think she was talked into getting a mohawk that night, somewhere towards the end, like a bunch of ninjas, everyone busted out laptops and logged onto SG chat lol ....

Was a good party and good times up there in Canadia
Have really fallen in love with a hiking trail that is right down the road from where the SG ECCT event happens every year, 2 shots of the trail that is part of the Appalachian Trail ...

Which brings me to Molly, she is my sisters dog and we all used to live together, my sister moved in with her bf at the beginning of the summer. I do miss that dog, she was the most well trained dog that I ever knew. My sister and I never owned a dog before her and were quite pleased with how well behaved she is. I used to take her for hikes a lot. Also would buy her random giant bouncy balls and take her to the park, she would crack me the fuck up and run herself to exhaustion ....

A video of her ball loving antics ...
Bouncing balls off your chins seems to take a lot out of man and beast it seems ....

One of my favorite shots of her, looks like she is going to eat the house ...

My neighbor has a tree that I stare at in the spring, its real pretty, one of those cherry blossom guys ...

I also attended my first SG shoot, set didnt go live, but a fun time was had none the less ....

A drunken fun time that is ...

I make the best chicken/filet mignon fajitas you have ever eaten hands down ....

This one time, I made a cake too ....

That fucking thing was sweet as hell, chocolate frosting with a shitload of icing and reeses pieces all over the place
Everytime I see this picture, I cant help but laugh my ass off, sort of an inside joke ....

I have made a lot of genuinely good friends on this site, here are some random shots ....

That last one was severly innebriated and bloated evidentally lol

lol zoomusikgrl loooooooves the apron
Some weird ass spider at SG treehouse ECCT ...

And speaking of, I decided to go balls out that year, bought WAY too much food, rented a ridiculous truck thinking my old Subie wouldnt make it up the hills. Even with the truck, the thing was packed to the fucking gills ....

Poor girl sat in the back and it was a constant avalanche of camping shit for 3-4 hours ....

A few of us treked to the river for a hot day swim ....

Maryland has become a place that I absolutely love to visit. I still have yet to make it to the aquarium, I keep saying I will but something seems to fall through everytime. Who wants to go??? lol Anyway, fun MD times ....

A panda at the DC zoo eating a giant block of ice that the keepers put pieces of fruit in ...

A red panda at the DC zoo as well ...

This ...

and this ...

will make you do some funny things ...

I am still very proud of myself with the job I did repainting the deck of my snowboard, especially since it is holding up with all the abuse a Jersey winter brings to it ...

I took a random road trip to visit a friend in NC, just north of Myrtle Beach I believe it was. This was looking out the back door with the Atlantic in the distance ...

Also took a trip to the zoo/aquarium that was down there ...

Came home and the poor pup had surgery on her back leg, she has torn the muscle from the bone. Carried her downstairs so she could pee, and she noticed the car napping on the swing chair and started whimpering at her and looking at me. I picked her up and laid her down next to the cat, they laid there for about 2 or 3 hours together ....

Took anothe road trip to Philly, went to the zoo there, lol I know ... I really like zoos shut up, kept hearing a grunting noise, kept trying to see where it was coming from and found 2 giant galapagos turtles doing this ....
My dad got poison ivy on his hands while he was doing yard work, didnt realize he had it and kept wiping sweat off his face, lol ended up looking like a mutant sumo wrestler ....

Took a kayaking trip down the Delaware River with one of my friends, forever rocking the Clifton cut off softball jersey lol ...

A family of ducks followed us for a long time ...

Another SG camping trip ...

Went to the shooting range ...

Thought about growing a full beard ... until it grew in ...

Think I looked creepy as fuck personally. Went on another camping trip with some friends in October for Oktoberfest in the mountains of NY. Cold as fuck, slept under 2 sleeping bags with long johns, sweat pants, socks, tshirt, long sleeve shirt, hoodies and a ski hat. Awesome time despite it all, when we first pulled up we saw this in the camp site next to us ...

Weirdos had built some sort of meth lab tent, was constructed of tarps, poles and some kind of weird hair curlers holding it all together. We did a lot of fishing and saw a random Mini car event while we were up there ...

Took yet another trip to the zoo, this was at Space Farms which is also near where the SG camping trip is held. They had the fattest lion I ever saw gnawing on a deer leg, it smelled foul as hell and you could hear him crushing the bone ...

Random night shot of the new Subie after a light misting of rain ...

Friend from Florida came up to visit and we hit up the zoo I used to volunteer at ...

Random shots of the last SG ECCT camping trip this last July ...

Was trying to take a drunken picture of people sitting next to me, only to put my finger in the way ...

Made for a better picture, they seemed to be thoroughly amused by my drunken photog skills lol ...

My Kool Aid smile lol ...

Took a week long trip after the Charm City White Trash BBQ/Lake George, sadly no pictures of the BBQ since I forgot my camera, but on the way up to Lake George, found an exit for the town of Coxsackie ...

It rained half the time we were there, but this is a shot off the back porch overlooking a portion of the lake ...

Friend has a Sea doo jet boat that gave him nothing but problems while we were there, got some fishing in and caught my first pike. Fought like no other fish I caught before, took a few minute to reel him in, snapped this picture and let him go on with his life ...

There are a ton of cool shops up there, found this one and had to buy it for my bathroom. Answers the age old question, Does a bear shit in the woods? ...

My new steam roller some of you have come to become aquainted with, for those that havent I give you this picture, has been nicknamed, "The rapist" Your lungs will not be friends with her lol ...

With the problems with my friends boat, we ended up renting a pontoon one of the nicer days out, I got wasted and passed out, overheard someone talking about taking my picture ...

The trip was a good mental break, drunken/stoned times were constant and I cant wait to go back ...

Other then that, the summer has been pretty good, a roller coaster of ups and downs, but I wouldnt trade it for anything. I moved to the back of the house which has allowed me much more space. Helped my sister and her bf move into their apartment, as well as helping them construct a backyard tiki bar. Have started seriously planning a website that I have been thinking about for several years. Have been to countless backyard bbq's. All in all a fun summer.
The only thing I would say that has really gotten me down is the increasing amount of people that have become total flakes in my life. I am of the opinion that if you make plans with someone to do something, stick to them and if issues arise, let that person know. Multiple times I have made plans, only to have my texts go unanswered when it came time to going out. To get attitudes from these people afterward has made me simply cut them out of my life. Is it too much to ask someone for the common respect of a heads up to whatever your situation is? Even if it is a simple, "Hey man, I am not feeling up to doing anything, can we call a rain check?" There are too many assholes in this world.
Which also brings me to my love life. WTF. Its really bizarre to me how I get really quiet and shy around women sometimes. I cant think of things to say and stand there like a creepy bastard. I dont know what my deal is or how to remedy the situation. It doesnt happen all the time, but it is something that has frustrated the shit out of me. Advice on this would be much appreciated.
Ok, thats about all I got in me right now. I leave you with my pride tattoo ...

Shake it easy and if you got this far, please comment this so I know I didnt do this in vain lol
I am going to start off with something that happened a year ago that still makes me sad.

That was the day I brought her home, I know I know, its real corny and lame that I am still talking about my old car, but it took a long time for me to find it. One that is in good condition and hasnt been beat to shit is really hard to come by, anyway I had detailed her the afternoon before crashing it and went to a party that night, had maybe 3 beers ....

then called it an early night because I was feeling a bit tired and not too social, was taking it nice and easy driving home, maybe doing 35mph and the back end slid out on me, jumped the curb and hit a telephone pole ....

These pictures have been stuck on my camera as well as the next 3, wasnt wearing my seat belt, face hit the air bag, then the windshield ...

What the camera doesnt show very well are all the cuts around my left eye, there was one deep laceration on my eyebrow and another that was 1/8 of an inch from my eyeball. Still feel very fortunate to have walked away from that, but miss that car none the less.
A picture my friend sent that she took of me, we were going to a 90's themed party, I decided to dress as a "vato", Mexican dudes with their shirts only buttoned at the very top with banadanas almost covering their eyes. Anyway, she sent me this after hearing how I was still sad about not having the car anymore ...

In other news, my issue with my car has been resolved and Subaru has agreed to repainting my entire car AND refinishing 2 of my wheels AND clear vinyling certain sections of my car. It may sound silly, but its an enormous weight lifted off my shoulders. This was stressing me out like you wouldnt believe. I didnt spend a shit load of money on a car with the expectation that within a year the paint would be virtually destroyed already. Have to set an appointment and within the next few weeks she will be looking good as new again.

Found some pictures of a party for Khoos's going away party in Canada. Need to take a random road trip for some poutine soon. Have also been wanting to go to Montreal to check out the giant hippy drum circles that happen in the park downtown every Sunday. Anyway some pictures ...

Think she was talked into getting a mohawk that night, somewhere towards the end, like a bunch of ninjas, everyone busted out laptops and logged onto SG chat lol ....

Was a good party and good times up there in Canadia
Have really fallen in love with a hiking trail that is right down the road from where the SG ECCT event happens every year, 2 shots of the trail that is part of the Appalachian Trail ...

Which brings me to Molly, she is my sisters dog and we all used to live together, my sister moved in with her bf at the beginning of the summer. I do miss that dog, she was the most well trained dog that I ever knew. My sister and I never owned a dog before her and were quite pleased with how well behaved she is. I used to take her for hikes a lot. Also would buy her random giant bouncy balls and take her to the park, she would crack me the fuck up and run herself to exhaustion ....

A video of her ball loving antics ...
Bouncing balls off your chins seems to take a lot out of man and beast it seems ....

One of my favorite shots of her, looks like she is going to eat the house ...

My neighbor has a tree that I stare at in the spring, its real pretty, one of those cherry blossom guys ...

I also attended my first SG shoot, set didnt go live, but a fun time was had none the less ....

A drunken fun time that is ...

I make the best chicken/filet mignon fajitas you have ever eaten hands down ....

This one time, I made a cake too ....

That fucking thing was sweet as hell, chocolate frosting with a shitload of icing and reeses pieces all over the place
Everytime I see this picture, I cant help but laugh my ass off, sort of an inside joke ....

I have made a lot of genuinely good friends on this site, here are some random shots ....

That last one was severly innebriated and bloated evidentally lol

lol zoomusikgrl loooooooves the apron
Some weird ass spider at SG treehouse ECCT ...

And speaking of, I decided to go balls out that year, bought WAY too much food, rented a ridiculous truck thinking my old Subie wouldnt make it up the hills. Even with the truck, the thing was packed to the fucking gills ....

Poor girl sat in the back and it was a constant avalanche of camping shit for 3-4 hours ....

A few of us treked to the river for a hot day swim ....

Maryland has become a place that I absolutely love to visit. I still have yet to make it to the aquarium, I keep saying I will but something seems to fall through everytime. Who wants to go??? lol Anyway, fun MD times ....

A panda at the DC zoo eating a giant block of ice that the keepers put pieces of fruit in ...

A red panda at the DC zoo as well ...

This ...

and this ...

will make you do some funny things ...

I am still very proud of myself with the job I did repainting the deck of my snowboard, especially since it is holding up with all the abuse a Jersey winter brings to it ...

I took a random road trip to visit a friend in NC, just north of Myrtle Beach I believe it was. This was looking out the back door with the Atlantic in the distance ...

Also took a trip to the zoo/aquarium that was down there ...

Came home and the poor pup had surgery on her back leg, she has torn the muscle from the bone. Carried her downstairs so she could pee, and she noticed the car napping on the swing chair and started whimpering at her and looking at me. I picked her up and laid her down next to the cat, they laid there for about 2 or 3 hours together ....

Took anothe road trip to Philly, went to the zoo there, lol I know ... I really like zoos shut up, kept hearing a grunting noise, kept trying to see where it was coming from and found 2 giant galapagos turtles doing this ....
My dad got poison ivy on his hands while he was doing yard work, didnt realize he had it and kept wiping sweat off his face, lol ended up looking like a mutant sumo wrestler ....

Took a kayaking trip down the Delaware River with one of my friends, forever rocking the Clifton cut off softball jersey lol ...

A family of ducks followed us for a long time ...

Another SG camping trip ...

Went to the shooting range ...

Thought about growing a full beard ... until it grew in ...

Think I looked creepy as fuck personally. Went on another camping trip with some friends in October for Oktoberfest in the mountains of NY. Cold as fuck, slept under 2 sleeping bags with long johns, sweat pants, socks, tshirt, long sleeve shirt, hoodies and a ski hat. Awesome time despite it all, when we first pulled up we saw this in the camp site next to us ...

Weirdos had built some sort of meth lab tent, was constructed of tarps, poles and some kind of weird hair curlers holding it all together. We did a lot of fishing and saw a random Mini car event while we were up there ...

Took yet another trip to the zoo, this was at Space Farms which is also near where the SG camping trip is held. They had the fattest lion I ever saw gnawing on a deer leg, it smelled foul as hell and you could hear him crushing the bone ...

Random night shot of the new Subie after a light misting of rain ...

Friend from Florida came up to visit and we hit up the zoo I used to volunteer at ...

Random shots of the last SG ECCT camping trip this last July ...

Was trying to take a drunken picture of people sitting next to me, only to put my finger in the way ...

Made for a better picture, they seemed to be thoroughly amused by my drunken photog skills lol ...

My Kool Aid smile lol ...

Took a week long trip after the Charm City White Trash BBQ/Lake George, sadly no pictures of the BBQ since I forgot my camera, but on the way up to Lake George, found an exit for the town of Coxsackie ...

It rained half the time we were there, but this is a shot off the back porch overlooking a portion of the lake ...

Friend has a Sea doo jet boat that gave him nothing but problems while we were there, got some fishing in and caught my first pike. Fought like no other fish I caught before, took a few minute to reel him in, snapped this picture and let him go on with his life ...

There are a ton of cool shops up there, found this one and had to buy it for my bathroom. Answers the age old question, Does a bear shit in the woods? ...

My new steam roller some of you have come to become aquainted with, for those that havent I give you this picture, has been nicknamed, "The rapist" Your lungs will not be friends with her lol ...

With the problems with my friends boat, we ended up renting a pontoon one of the nicer days out, I got wasted and passed out, overheard someone talking about taking my picture ...

The trip was a good mental break, drunken/stoned times were constant and I cant wait to go back ...

Other then that, the summer has been pretty good, a roller coaster of ups and downs, but I wouldnt trade it for anything. I moved to the back of the house which has allowed me much more space. Helped my sister and her bf move into their apartment, as well as helping them construct a backyard tiki bar. Have started seriously planning a website that I have been thinking about for several years. Have been to countless backyard bbq's. All in all a fun summer.
The only thing I would say that has really gotten me down is the increasing amount of people that have become total flakes in my life. I am of the opinion that if you make plans with someone to do something, stick to them and if issues arise, let that person know. Multiple times I have made plans, only to have my texts go unanswered when it came time to going out. To get attitudes from these people afterward has made me simply cut them out of my life. Is it too much to ask someone for the common respect of a heads up to whatever your situation is? Even if it is a simple, "Hey man, I am not feeling up to doing anything, can we call a rain check?" There are too many assholes in this world.
Which also brings me to my love life. WTF. Its really bizarre to me how I get really quiet and shy around women sometimes. I cant think of things to say and stand there like a creepy bastard. I dont know what my deal is or how to remedy the situation. It doesnt happen all the time, but it is something that has frustrated the shit out of me. Advice on this would be much appreciated.
Ok, thats about all I got in me right now. I leave you with my pride tattoo ...

Shake it easy and if you got this far, please comment this so I know I didnt do this in vain lol

Ahahaha. Thanks fr the laugh. the dog one is gross! you dirty dirty hamster.
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