Went to friends birthday on Saturday night, was kind of boring, one pool table in the place and it always seems like everyone in the bar is watching whoever is playing pool. Lame. Went to another bar where it seemed my entire job was hanging out, had a blast, still am wondering why men still come up to me to talk about my beard. I dont know why, but it always throws me off. Like ... really .... you want to talk to me about the hair on my face? Happens a lot. Moved my car 3 times while I was there. lol
Was supposed to go snowboarding today with 2 coworkers, but the recent rains talked me out of it. Is it me or has the month of January felt like early spring. I am still wearing a polo shirt at work and only wear my jacket when I first come in and when I leave for the day. Screw you mother nature, I want a reason to buy snow tires!!!!
Weekend has a few things in store, art shows at local bars, parties in Philly, meeting up with someone I havent talked to in 3 years and that pretty things .... thing goin on in the city on Sunday. I need to keep myself busy. That and the working out has got to start now. Always gain weight in winter, but this is ridiculous. Stopped smoking and crashed the old Subie in September and its been a downward slide since then. Need workout partner, apply within. Mountain biking, snowboarding, softball, hiking are the things to start doing more often. Can I motivate myself to wake up at 5:30 and run on the stepper for 20 minutes before work ... at least 3 times a week? Fuck I like sleeping. lol
This was a post I put up in the 420 group on a show n tell thread, have posted in a blog before I am sure, but the video at the end has never been put up ....
Me n my buddy boosted this out of the trash on bulk garbage night. This was before ...

We got to talkin n schemin, decided to first give it a paint job. Black and silver was the way to go, boost the seat up a bit, made you feel like Donkey Kong in Mario Kart, but adults could sit in it. Honda car battery was next so it could actually move said adult. Then came the wave of ideas ... Working cigarette lighter, a car horn just in case you got on the street, lamborghini key chain, strobe lights where the headlights were, neon lights from a computer tower underneath, chopped the roof lol ( really just cut 2" off windshield ), the coolest sticker ever to grace a windshield, and to conclude our masterpiece, I found a place to make custom mini Jersey license plates that read "BADASSLAMBO4U2NV" When it was all said and done, I gave it to my sister for her then 25th birthday during a party we had in our backyard. These are the after pictures ...
As an added bonus, I dug up the video of me riding it at the start of the party. Unfortunately, I got in the Lambo's first fender bender, lol you can hear the car horn as the video starts as I signal my start. lol I was probably at 30 mph at the bottom of the hill. Plastic tires and no brakes lead to the car going sideways instead of turning, hit the curb and smacked the sidewalk before rolling into tennis courts. lol SIster luckily stopped a Firebird from coming through the intersection which you can see at the end. Unfortunately no footage of hitting the curb was uncovered, but if you listen for the friends laughter, you can tell exactly when it happens. Video ....
What was the start of this whole 3 month extravaganza you might ask? A blunt ride with a buddy on bulk garbage night.
Anyway, this is super long now with that last bit. Shake it easy.
I would think it involves territorial and aggressive monster cock.
as for my blog..it's something i've been thinking about a lot lately, and i wonder a lot if it's because i'm unhappy and have subconsciously given up on my relationship, or if it's just something everyone toys with at one point or another. i personally am going with the former.