This month has been a blur, and I have neither the time or energy to really type out a blog, so I am going to cover the last month in bullet form. lol
o Christmas was at my parents house, 40+ relatives were in attendance, 2 massive tables FULL of food
o New years eve was kinda ho-hum, went to my friends house down the street, got ridiculously drunk, sister picked me up.
o My mother got me a George Foreman grill for xmas, which she promptly realized wasnt the greatest of gifts even before I opened it, being I already have one lol
o She gave me the cash after returning it and I promptly went out and purchased this ... Single best consumer purchase EVER!!!!
o Went to MD and tripped balls with my favoritest of favortie people on the site, name withheld ... because I am paranoid and stoned? lmao
o Uncles had a birthday party at a Polish social club. Relatives like to play this game when people arent looking where they fill your glass with vodka when you have anything less then half a drink. Needless to say, I was fucking hammered.
o Snowboard was finished at the begining of the year and I have been going about 2 - 3 times a week right after work and occasionally on Sundays. Pictures to come when I get around to it.
o Working out, buying the vaporizor has been making me feel more and more healthy, now to just quit smoking these disgusting ciggarettes.
o A few dates coming up that I am really looking forward to, an actual date this Saturday, gonna go snowboarding with this girl I have been talking to for a few years. Never seemed to be good timing, maybe now will? Also SGCC beach party where I have the 2 days prior off and am going to go to the zoo and chill with Adelayde. Then company holiday party, they always throw it around Valentines day, dont know why.
Other then that, same old shit, work and trying to get all my ducks in a row.
Shake it easy people
o Christmas was at my parents house, 40+ relatives were in attendance, 2 massive tables FULL of food
o New years eve was kinda ho-hum, went to my friends house down the street, got ridiculously drunk, sister picked me up.
o My mother got me a George Foreman grill for xmas, which she promptly realized wasnt the greatest of gifts even before I opened it, being I already have one lol
o She gave me the cash after returning it and I promptly went out and purchased this ... Single best consumer purchase EVER!!!!
o Went to MD and tripped balls with my favoritest of favortie people on the site, name withheld ... because I am paranoid and stoned? lmao

o Uncles had a birthday party at a Polish social club. Relatives like to play this game when people arent looking where they fill your glass with vodka when you have anything less then half a drink. Needless to say, I was fucking hammered.
o Snowboard was finished at the begining of the year and I have been going about 2 - 3 times a week right after work and occasionally on Sundays. Pictures to come when I get around to it.
o Working out, buying the vaporizor has been making me feel more and more healthy, now to just quit smoking these disgusting ciggarettes.
o A few dates coming up that I am really looking forward to, an actual date this Saturday, gonna go snowboarding with this girl I have been talking to for a few years. Never seemed to be good timing, maybe now will? Also SGCC beach party where I have the 2 days prior off and am going to go to the zoo and chill with Adelayde. Then company holiday party, they always throw it around Valentines day, dont know why.
Other then that, same old shit, work and trying to get all my ducks in a row.
Shake it easy people

hope it went very well for you!!!! sorry i havent been talking friend is in bad condition.....
im glad to hear that your doing well!!!!
vintige xoxoxoxo