I turn 34 in less then a month ...
Time sure does fly. Still undecided what I would like to do for my birthday. Atlantic CIty? New York City? Clifton NJ? Baaaaaaah, do I really care anymore at this point? lol
It has been an interesting passed few weeks. Dont feel like going into great depth, but I have been keeping myself busy, started hitting the gym again, have rode my mountain bike more in the passed 2 weeks then I have the entire summer. Took Molly to the Delaware Water Gap last week too, realized halfway up a 400' cliff that I left my camera in the car.
lol It was cool, she kept staring down a hawk that was circling the river and kept barking, seemed pissed that the hawk wouldnt come closer, it was so cute. It was a pretty relaxing day, sat on top of this cliff for an hour or so. The ride out there is equally relaxing, just what the doctor ordered.
Finally ... FINALLY got the subie's light problem fixed today. Have had the car for 7 months now, and have had to pull a fuse everytime I drove the car at night, otherwise the lights would stay on. Now I can spend a little bit of money and get some HID's other then that and the mishap with the front bumper, the exterior is the way I want it. Now to start making a little more money and make her faster!! lol
My boss gave me a bit of recognition the other day. Basically saying that he was really pleased and impressed with the way I seem to be constantly improving any aspect he points out I may need to do better at. So much so that he hinted at a raise come the new year. Which would be fucking awesome, I feel I am at least at a par with the other people who are on a higher pay scale then I am, and it was definetly nice to hear him say so.
1 week from today I will be wandering around the Appalachian trail, mushrooms consumed, lol heres to hoping that we dont stumble across any wildlife that will maim us. lol Should definetly be a good time. Also have a 3 day weekend to look forward too. I need a nice little mini vacation at the very least. Still contemplating going to Amsterdam and Lake Tahoe. Anyone been on a kick ass vacation that they can recommend?

It has been an interesting passed few weeks. Dont feel like going into great depth, but I have been keeping myself busy, started hitting the gym again, have rode my mountain bike more in the passed 2 weeks then I have the entire summer. Took Molly to the Delaware Water Gap last week too, realized halfway up a 400' cliff that I left my camera in the car.

Finally ... FINALLY got the subie's light problem fixed today. Have had the car for 7 months now, and have had to pull a fuse everytime I drove the car at night, otherwise the lights would stay on. Now I can spend a little bit of money and get some HID's other then that and the mishap with the front bumper, the exterior is the way I want it. Now to start making a little more money and make her faster!! lol
My boss gave me a bit of recognition the other day. Basically saying that he was really pleased and impressed with the way I seem to be constantly improving any aspect he points out I may need to do better at. So much so that he hinted at a raise come the new year. Which would be fucking awesome, I feel I am at least at a par with the other people who are on a higher pay scale then I am, and it was definetly nice to hear him say so.
1 week from today I will be wandering around the Appalachian trail, mushrooms consumed, lol heres to hoping that we dont stumble across any wildlife that will maim us. lol Should definetly be a good time. Also have a 3 day weekend to look forward too. I need a nice little mini vacation at the very least. Still contemplating going to Amsterdam and Lake Tahoe. Anyone been on a kick ass vacation that they can recommend?