Ok, so its like this ... in one months time, I will be starting my second half sleeve. I made mention of it a bunch of blogs back and am going to repost that portion again at the end of this. Here is what I was hoping for from my more internet savy friends on here. I have a bunch of pictures, but would like more. I cant seem to find many more different types of pictures other then what I have already found. I am sure I have not looked everywhere, and if anyone finds me a picture that I really like .... I dont know what I will do, but will undoubtedly show alot of gratitude and probably get you shitty drunk at some point or another. I really dont expect anyone to be bored enough to actually do this, but its worth a shot, and I have a month between now and my first appointment. This is the description that fits the whole idea for it.
So I have been doing a little research for my next tattoo, I want a half sleeve for my other arm. As you may or may not know, I am Polish and am very proud of my heritage. I take offense to people who tell Pollack jokes, but only because they have no idea why Poles are considered stupid. It goes something like this ....
Forewarned, there is a big history lesson hiding in here. At the end of which is my tattoo idea.
Before World War II broke out, Poland was beginning to modernize its military. It was almost common knowledge, before the war started, of Hitlers intent to wipe out the Jewish race, and along with them, every person of Polish decent. Before the German invasion of Poland, which essentially started WWII, Poland, on the advice of Britain and France, ceased the modernization of its military as it may be seen as an act of war. So when the Germans invaded Poland with their tanks and aircraft, Poland was said to have about 1/3 of its military capabilities. To make matters worse, as Poland was being invaded from the west, basically fighting off tanks with cavalry, they were simultaneously attacked from the west by the Soviet Union. After 13 days, Poland surrendered, and while it was occupied by Germany, 2000 concentration camps were opened for business. One third of the eastern portion of the country was claimed by the Soviets, and the people in it now citizens of the Soviet Union. Anyone who resisted was executed. Along with its Jewish citizens, all teachers, professors, scientists, politicians and anyone of high standing were systematically murdered. 50% of those murdered were Polish Christians. 20% of the population was killed by the Soviet and German armies.
Hitler on the left, Stalin on the right.

A) because the Polish people stood against impossible odds and did not give up their country, and
B) every smart person in the country was killed ...
Polish people are considered stupid.

Basically my tattoo idea is this, Polish Hussar cavalrymen, pictured above, at the top of my arm charging towards a bunch of tanks at the bottom. One of the Polish will be carrying a massive flag that spills out on to my chest, where I want the flag to drape over my heart.
Thanks for anyone who even attempts to help a brother out on this
So I have been doing a little research for my next tattoo, I want a half sleeve for my other arm. As you may or may not know, I am Polish and am very proud of my heritage. I take offense to people who tell Pollack jokes, but only because they have no idea why Poles are considered stupid. It goes something like this ....
Forewarned, there is a big history lesson hiding in here. At the end of which is my tattoo idea.
Before World War II broke out, Poland was beginning to modernize its military. It was almost common knowledge, before the war started, of Hitlers intent to wipe out the Jewish race, and along with them, every person of Polish decent. Before the German invasion of Poland, which essentially started WWII, Poland, on the advice of Britain and France, ceased the modernization of its military as it may be seen as an act of war. So when the Germans invaded Poland with their tanks and aircraft, Poland was said to have about 1/3 of its military capabilities. To make matters worse, as Poland was being invaded from the west, basically fighting off tanks with cavalry, they were simultaneously attacked from the west by the Soviet Union. After 13 days, Poland surrendered, and while it was occupied by Germany, 2000 concentration camps were opened for business. One third of the eastern portion of the country was claimed by the Soviets, and the people in it now citizens of the Soviet Union. Anyone who resisted was executed. Along with its Jewish citizens, all teachers, professors, scientists, politicians and anyone of high standing were systematically murdered. 50% of those murdered were Polish Christians. 20% of the population was killed by the Soviet and German armies.
Hitler on the left, Stalin on the right.

A) because the Polish people stood against impossible odds and did not give up their country, and
B) every smart person in the country was killed ...
Polish people are considered stupid.

Basically my tattoo idea is this, Polish Hussar cavalrymen, pictured above, at the top of my arm charging towards a bunch of tanks at the bottom. One of the Polish will be carrying a massive flag that spills out on to my chest, where I want the flag to drape over my heart.
Thanks for anyone who even attempts to help a brother out on this

When she visited Poland, she was just so surprised at the lack of opportunities that we take for granted, the poverty and alot of things she just didn't expect.
Thank you for the friend add.
Take care.