Sooo much to say ...
At least it feels like anyway. Been procrastinating the shit out of writing this. Varying reasons, but part of it is I dont feel like sitting in front of my computer downloading pictures from camping. How fucking lazy has life gotten for me that plugging a wire into a computer and clicking on which pictures I would like added to a new file is too much for me to handle? My all around laziness this summer is astounding me. I usually am all sorts of gung ho about softball season, have made it out to 3 games ... none since late May. I usually go for bike rides everywhere, especially late at night, probably havent touched my bike since my last softball game. Havent gone to the gym in that span either ...
Ok, so I guess I will start where I left off, 311 and Snopp Dogg .... SOOO not impressed in the slightest, and I am a fan of both. Seriously, WTF!?!?!?!?!? 311 trounced out the same tired old act I saw them do 6 years ago, just rearranged in a different order. I mean shit, all the members of the band putting down their instruments and essentially having a big ass drum circle was cool the first 5 times ... new shit please? Snoop had to have been high and lazy. 1/3 of the shit he played was someone elses music, furthermore, he sang the last 2 or 3 words of every other line .... I want to kick you in the balls Snoop ... for serious.
Camping proved to be a large financial hit on me. Was a good time, but it will effect the way I camp from now on. Wasnt a big fan of the new site, to spread out, and never really made it out the main fire much or for very long. Camp No Pants was definetly where it was at, I would have just as soon invited everyone down to enjoy the cool breeze of pantless camping, but I didnt want to leave it lol. Highlight ... or lowlight depending how you want to look at it was me falling asleep outside in the hammock for an hour and a half at 3 AM and waking up to 100 or so mosquito and god knows what other kind of bites all over my back. Other corny bullshit prevented me from really having a good time, but it is what it is. I am definetly going again next year.
Fast forward to this weekend and Saturday night I hit up the city with the lovely Zoomusikgrl in tow, to celebrate JadeAngel's birthday with GetFighted, VaJaeJae, and my first mate Rickrolled. Good times were definetly had. Should I let it slip that I was actually drunk enough that I might have been coaxed into singing? Probably not, but maybe next time .... thats a big MAYBE Zoo!
Wake up Sunday and feel like I got hit in the head with a brick. Take a shitload of an asston of different meds ... nothing works. Start to realize that I in fact have a concussion. Nausea, migraine, loss of equilibrium, moodyness, all set in. Spend the day watching crappy, yet still funny 80's movies with Zoo. Get to sleep in because I am covering some dudes closing shift at work, which was all fine and dandy, until I realize the migraine is still there. Get to work, goes smoothly, find out that my engine mounts are broken when some new kid asks to rev my motor ... insert funny joke here .... engine is hopping around like a fucking hot potato. Blessing in disguise as I have a reason to get Polyurethane mounts now, so I can deal. Had a tech do an oil change for me and swap out some belts, he parks it by this heavy duty reinfocred fence thing and leaves it in gear, (its a manual tranny) I go out to my car and hit the remote start. Get outside just in time to hear the car start and see it lurch forward into the fence. FUCKING HOOKER! was the first thing to come out my mouth. Well at least I work at a dealership and we have a guy who does bumper repairs and this should only set me back about $100 after discounts. Would much rather have that hundo to fuck around with elsewhere, but oh well, such is life. Could be worse I guess right? Trying to keep a level head and not let shit get to me.
Ok, pictures may or may not come some time down the road, but thats about enough of my ramblings for now. Shake it easy ya'll
At least it feels like anyway. Been procrastinating the shit out of writing this. Varying reasons, but part of it is I dont feel like sitting in front of my computer downloading pictures from camping. How fucking lazy has life gotten for me that plugging a wire into a computer and clicking on which pictures I would like added to a new file is too much for me to handle? My all around laziness this summer is astounding me. I usually am all sorts of gung ho about softball season, have made it out to 3 games ... none since late May. I usually go for bike rides everywhere, especially late at night, probably havent touched my bike since my last softball game. Havent gone to the gym in that span either ...

Ok, so I guess I will start where I left off, 311 and Snopp Dogg .... SOOO not impressed in the slightest, and I am a fan of both. Seriously, WTF!?!?!?!?!? 311 trounced out the same tired old act I saw them do 6 years ago, just rearranged in a different order. I mean shit, all the members of the band putting down their instruments and essentially having a big ass drum circle was cool the first 5 times ... new shit please? Snoop had to have been high and lazy. 1/3 of the shit he played was someone elses music, furthermore, he sang the last 2 or 3 words of every other line .... I want to kick you in the balls Snoop ... for serious.

Camping proved to be a large financial hit on me. Was a good time, but it will effect the way I camp from now on. Wasnt a big fan of the new site, to spread out, and never really made it out the main fire much or for very long. Camp No Pants was definetly where it was at, I would have just as soon invited everyone down to enjoy the cool breeze of pantless camping, but I didnt want to leave it lol. Highlight ... or lowlight depending how you want to look at it was me falling asleep outside in the hammock for an hour and a half at 3 AM and waking up to 100 or so mosquito and god knows what other kind of bites all over my back. Other corny bullshit prevented me from really having a good time, but it is what it is. I am definetly going again next year.
Fast forward to this weekend and Saturday night I hit up the city with the lovely Zoomusikgrl in tow, to celebrate JadeAngel's birthday with GetFighted, VaJaeJae, and my first mate Rickrolled. Good times were definetly had. Should I let it slip that I was actually drunk enough that I might have been coaxed into singing? Probably not, but maybe next time .... thats a big MAYBE Zoo!
Wake up Sunday and feel like I got hit in the head with a brick. Take a shitload of an asston of different meds ... nothing works. Start to realize that I in fact have a concussion. Nausea, migraine, loss of equilibrium, moodyness, all set in. Spend the day watching crappy, yet still funny 80's movies with Zoo. Get to sleep in because I am covering some dudes closing shift at work, which was all fine and dandy, until I realize the migraine is still there. Get to work, goes smoothly, find out that my engine mounts are broken when some new kid asks to rev my motor ... insert funny joke here .... engine is hopping around like a fucking hot potato. Blessing in disguise as I have a reason to get Polyurethane mounts now, so I can deal. Had a tech do an oil change for me and swap out some belts, he parks it by this heavy duty reinfocred fence thing and leaves it in gear, (its a manual tranny) I go out to my car and hit the remote start. Get outside just in time to hear the car start and see it lurch forward into the fence. FUCKING HOOKER! was the first thing to come out my mouth. Well at least I work at a dealership and we have a guy who does bumper repairs and this should only set me back about $100 after discounts. Would much rather have that hundo to fuck around with elsewhere, but oh well, such is life. Could be worse I guess right? Trying to keep a level head and not let shit get to me.
Ok, pictures may or may not come some time down the road, but thats about enough of my ramblings for now. Shake it easy ya'll

i wish everyday was as gloriously relaxing as sunday was, even if we were both feeling poopy. i love you bae.
arent people just getting dumber and dumber these days?
i mean , im no conspiracy theorist,
but im beginning to believe theres something to this whole fluoride conspiracy idea