For fucks sake ... as if last weeks duck incident werent bad enough. My sister has 2 cats, we let them outside here and there. They are fixed, so no worries there. Thing is, they bring home dead things now and again. I wake up Thursday for work, am running late, have barely been sleeping the passed week or so. I get to the bottom of the drive way, and there is a dead baby bunny.
I seriously lost my shit. I dont even want to get into it. The occasional mouse and bird dont really bother me so much. Maybe it was just because it was a baby and probably didnt stand much of a chance against our cats.
Friday was DOTM, and QXT's afterwards, met some people I had not met before. Everyone was pretty cool and it turned out to be a pretty good night. Saturday was Kickball vs. SGNY. I was kind of proud of myself, lol even for a silly friendly game of kickball I kicked ass. 4 for 5 with 3 home runs, a double, and 8 R.B.I.'s. Yea I am a tool and kept track. Zoo and I went to one of her co workers apartment down the road afterwards. She was having an Elvis themed party. It was fun, ate peanut butter and bacon sandwiches, some peanut butter and chex mix thing, played some trivia and what not. Would have had a much better time had I not been feeling shity, go figure, I dont get sick ALL winter, and a few days before May I come down with this fucking head cold. lol Just my luck.
Missed out on softball game today, but from what I hear, I was better off. We lost 22-3 lol Jesus! Sat around all day today all sickly and sniffly watching the 2nd day of the football draft. Kept slipping in and out of consciousness. Feeling alot better then I did this morning, but none the less, still sick.
I bought tickets to go see Bamboozle this Saturday, thought Bouncing Souls would be there, but they are playing the Sunday show
Oh well, at least I will get to see Snoop! That is, if I can get the day off of work
What a fucking idiot I am, I didnt check my schedule and supposed to work that day.
*waves goodbye to my $50 dollars*
I cant wait for Thursday, *swoons*

Friday was DOTM, and QXT's afterwards, met some people I had not met before. Everyone was pretty cool and it turned out to be a pretty good night. Saturday was Kickball vs. SGNY. I was kind of proud of myself, lol even for a silly friendly game of kickball I kicked ass. 4 for 5 with 3 home runs, a double, and 8 R.B.I.'s. Yea I am a tool and kept track. Zoo and I went to one of her co workers apartment down the road afterwards. She was having an Elvis themed party. It was fun, ate peanut butter and bacon sandwiches, some peanut butter and chex mix thing, played some trivia and what not. Would have had a much better time had I not been feeling shity, go figure, I dont get sick ALL winter, and a few days before May I come down with this fucking head cold. lol Just my luck.

Missed out on softball game today, but from what I hear, I was better off. We lost 22-3 lol Jesus! Sat around all day today all sickly and sniffly watching the 2nd day of the football draft. Kept slipping in and out of consciousness. Feeling alot better then I did this morning, but none the less, still sick.
I bought tickets to go see Bamboozle this Saturday, thought Bouncing Souls would be there, but they are playing the Sunday show

*waves goodbye to my $50 dollars*

I cant wait for Thursday, *swoons*

I posted the events in ECCT. You happy now?