Nothing makes me madder then people blowing smoke up my ass. People just dont have the balls to tell it like it is, so instead, you get alot of hemming and hawwing and alot of unwanted bullshit. Grow a fucking pair!
*edited to say*
I started coughing up blood again this weekend. It only happens in the morning. I cant get to the specialist until the end of the week, if not the end of next week. It only happens in the morning, but now I have this ..... I dont even know what in the back of my throat that is making it difficult to swallow. I havent been able to sleep because of it. I am thoroughly exhausted, so needless to say I am a grumpy ass bitch lately.

*edited to say*
I started coughing up blood again this weekend. It only happens in the morning. I cant get to the specialist until the end of the week, if not the end of next week. It only happens in the morning, but now I have this ..... I dont even know what in the back of my throat that is making it difficult to swallow. I havent been able to sleep because of it. I am thoroughly exhausted, so needless to say I am a grumpy ass bitch lately.

I mean, seriously people.... how old are you? Why haven't you learned how to do that by now? What are you afraid of?