Forewarned, there is a big history lesson hiding in this spoiler. At the end of which is my tattoo idea.
The only rational woman in the Middle East? ...
I decided to take my dog hiking today. Anyone who thinks New Jersey is the armpit of America, suck my ass and look at these pictures
After an hour or so up Route 80, we find the mountain stream to have taken on more of a river attitude ...
A few stops here, and a few stops there to throw Molly her tennis ball, and she starts staring and barking ...
Either this rainbow, from the mist of the rushing water was pissing her off ....
Or something was in this cave ...
Hightailed it further down the trail where we had a little more room for Molly to run ...
Molly didnt like me anymore after I threw her ball in the river ...
I know Molly, I cant look at myself either, I suck at life lately ...
I decided to take Molly to the top of my mountain, a short drive down the road, on the way there we found an automobile limbo pole ...
Much to my chagrin, as I zoomed in for a closer picture of the limbo pole, which is indeed resting on a power line, and yes, the extent of the towns efforts to clear up the mess is a few parking cones and police tape draped on the tree, my camera's batteries die. All my backup, fresh out of the box rechargeable batteries were dead. LOL stupid save the world consciousness! I have pictures to take god dammit!!!!
We hiked up the side of the mountain and took in the amazing view of the swollen Delaware River as Red tailed hawks and some other vulture sized birds flew overhead. I yelled my peace from the top of my mountain, hiked back down and returned home. Stopped at taco bell and shared some steak quesadillas with the pup.
Quite the relaxing day after a long week. P.S. Did I mention I might be buying the STI of my dreams
am getting $1600 back from my taxes, AND my boss discovered a 2 month payroll error that affected my whole department and is now reimbursing me $1000? This week may make up for last week and then some
Special thanks to Infinity for helping me out with the video.