On a day where I thought I would get a bunch of shit accomplished, I sit around and do nothing for the better part of the day and fuck up the paint on my snowboard. I cut out a bunch of shapes, to make a camo type pattern on the deck of my board, but over sprayed the ever loving shit out of it.
Ive always had the idea of moving to Japan for a year or more to teach the English language. I hear it pays very well, and I love to travel. It keeps popping back in my head and toying with me.
On a day where I thought I would get a bunch of shit accomplished, I sit around and do nothing for the better part of the day and fuck up the paint on my snowboard. I cut out a bunch of shapes, to make a camo type pattern on the deck of my board, but over sprayed the ever loving shit out of it.

Ive always had the idea of moving to Japan for a year or more to teach the English language. I hear it pays very well, and I love to travel. It keeps popping back in my head and toying with me.

I think I might need one as well xD Damn Gamestop xmas shoppers think they own the world =P I will see what I can do seeing as I am always broke. And if you went to Japan I am sooo going with you!
^__^ I always enjoy a visit =) I'm usually working on the weekends, spending my weekend there this weekend T_T 1-10 saturday and sunday =/