So tonight is looking to be a promising night of beer, cigarettes and rejection by the fairer sex. lets here it for no cover and tallboys of PBR, high Life, 'Gansett and Schlitz. one of these days I'll actually grow enough spine to walk up to the random girl and ask her to dance...I, really, I will. more to come after the evenings festivities. yay for Hell.
More Blogs
Saturday Jan 26, 2008
i really don't want to go to a funeral soon. but I fear I may not hav… -
Thursday Jan 24, 2008
Oh thank fuck the show opens tomorrow. I want to sleep til wednesday -
Sunday Jan 13, 2008
no new updates. work is hard, I don't sleep or eat nearly enough Ed… -
Tuesday Aug 07, 2007
Well, after three days of agony, I have a new HDD installed. sadly I… -
Thursday Jul 26, 2007
Apartment=good Job=better Girl=best -
Sunday Jul 01, 2007
I'm all moved into my new apartment, still have boxes to unpack and p… -
Monday Jun 11, 2007
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Wednesday May 30, 2007
As I lay in bed last night, I got to thinking about where I want my l… -
Monday May 14, 2007
Well, it looks like things are starting to turn around. An old colle… -
Wednesday May 09, 2007
Still looking for a roommate(or to become someones roomate) if a…