three more days and the show opens. I'm out of dimmers and the director is demanding more specials. the scenic designers is still trying to make changes. GAAAAHHHHH
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Saturday Sep 20, 2008
i'm glad it's finally autumn. I was all sorts of not myself in the s… -
Friday May 09, 2008
less than a week now.. set up utilities and entertainment today...gon… -
Friday May 02, 2008
2 WEEKS!!!!!! New apartment! I'm all splodey with excitement -
Friday Apr 25, 2008
New computer is up and running. the count is down to 22 days until t… -
Tuesday Apr 08, 2008
My new computer is on the truck on it's way to me. I found a fantast… -
Tuesday Apr 01, 2008
three more days and the show opens. I'm out of dimmers and the direc… -
Tuesday Mar 18, 2008
3 days to load in, cable and color a plot of 200 fixtures..with no cr… -
Wednesday Feb 27, 2008
My phone decided to completely die. therefor I have lost all of the … -
Thursday Feb 21, 2008
Big spring musical = very tired and cranky Shadow -
Friday Feb 01, 2008
nothing to say.
In more theater news... we're going to see Young Frankenstein tonight. khoos' boss works on the sets and got us tickets and is going to take us back stage and show us around.