As I lay in bed last night, I got to thinking about where I want my life to go, and what I really want to do. Recently I have been telling myself that in order to be a lighting designer, I need a masters in lighting design. I am already a lighting designer. I have been telling myself that I want to teach, and to do that I need a masters. I run a scene shop with a crew of 14 college students, 90% of whom, when they walk through the shop door for the first time, don't know the first thing about carpentry or electrics. I am already a teacher. I really like my job. I can get a masters in Technical Direction and keep my current job. The current TD is close to retirement age. I think it's time to do some further evaluation.
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 20, 2008
i'm glad it's finally autumn. I was all sorts of not myself in the s… -
Friday May 09, 2008
less than a week now.. set up utilities and entertainment today...gon… -
Friday May 02, 2008
2 WEEKS!!!!!! New apartment! I'm all splodey with excitement -
Friday Apr 25, 2008
New computer is up and running. the count is down to 22 days until t… -
Tuesday Apr 08, 2008
My new computer is on the truck on it's way to me. I found a fantast… -
Tuesday Apr 01, 2008
three more days and the show opens. I'm out of dimmers and the direc… -
Tuesday Mar 18, 2008
3 days to load in, cable and color a plot of 200 fixtures..with no cr… -
Wednesday Feb 27, 2008
My phone decided to completely die. therefor I have lost all of the … -
Thursday Feb 21, 2008
Big spring musical = very tired and cranky Shadow -
Friday Feb 01, 2008
nothing to say.
Very, very magical. I suppose I pegged you as magical.