As I lay in bed last night, I got to thinking about where I want my life to go, and what I really want to do. Recently I have been telling myself that in order to be a lighting designer, I need a masters in lighting design. I am already a lighting designer. I have been telling myself that I want to teach, and to do that I need a masters. I run a scene shop with a crew of 14 college students, 90% of whom, when they walk through the shop door for the first time, don't know the first thing about carpentry or electrics. I am already a teacher. I really like my job. I can get a masters in Technical Direction and keep my current job. The current TD is close to retirement age. I think it's time to do some further evaluation.
More Blogs
Tuesday Aug 31, 2010
as week two begins and the imminent threat of incoming college freshm… -
Wednesday Jul 28, 2010
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Wednesday Jun 09, 2010
10 days and counting. finalized the menu, got a tie, wrapping up dec… -
Friday May 14, 2010
so, it;s friday night. i'm drunk. just finished "changeless" . log… -
Thursday May 13, 2010
weekend! fuck yeah! also it's D&D; time -
Monday May 10, 2010
Monday, It's so good to see you again. I really missed you. How hav… -
Friday Jan 08, 2010
Time to get prepared for load in/tech week. this is going to require… -
Saturday Oct 11, 2008
Renn faire was a blast. tech has started, the plot isn't bad. for s… -
Monday Sep 29, 2008
Renn Faire is this weekend. my costume is complete. as soon as I ha… -
Wednesday Sep 24, 2008
WOOOOOOO! new kilt for the Renn Faire showed up today. it looks awe…
Very, very magical. I suppose I pegged you as magical.