Sometimes I really hate my brain. It has the unfortunate habit of remembering pains of the past. I've also recently begun to detest the extrapolations that it derives from a total absence of information. Then the paranoia kicks in and I just start to worry and fret. From there it degrades rapidly into a full on near panic. It's usually at this point that I start punishing that hateful organ. And doubt not, punish it I shall. I need to stop this line of thought and the only way I can think to do that is to remove my capacity for coherent thought altogether. To not give myself the time to let my mind (oh how I abhor it) wander. It, when given time to roam, plots and schemes to sabotage me in every way it can conceive. It is a vile and cruel thing, the mind, when pitted against its host. It has such a great advantage when malice is its task. This time, I will not fall before its tyranny. I, and my better parts, the pieces of me that still have the capacity for hope and love and trust, shall prevail against this assault. To that end, I shall enlist my minds greatest foe. With the aid of Keeping Busy and Whiskey I, and my heart, shall weather this storm.
I ♥, <3 and Love her.
I ♥, <3 and Love her.
i hope that made some sense. i be tired this early morning.