Move out is done...now it's a bizarre holding pattern staying with Ma and Pa, it's strange that the place that was my home for so many years now feels like a super awkward hotel. Not sure what's going on via the job front, but it's fairly promising and it's progressing faster than I anticipated a government job would in their hiring process, man if I...
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So it took the damned thing long enough, but my iPod finally played "Crooked Teeth" without me having to put the minuscule amount of effort into selecting that song, it came on shortly after "No One's Gonna Love You" by Band of Horses, nice little two play there. Moving out of my apartment in order to avoid legal actions, ah the halcyon days of squatting...
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So, driving to work and I'm teying to telepathically inform my iPod that I want to hear "Crooked Teeth" by Death Cab For Cutie, thus far it's letting me down...alas.
Watching Top Shot, eating pizza and drinking absinthe at home tonight, I defy you to name someone lamer than I.
So in the next...seven days I have written tests for two for realsies Grown Up type jobs, both would at least in theory be a better use of my criminology degree than tending bar is. I'm just feeling so burnt out on the service industry. I still need a new place to live, the theft of copper pipe is a bigger deal than I initially...
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So for some reason many of the programs I watch lead me to believe that my dick shouldn't work properly, between Jeopardy and VH1 Classic in particular they seem pretty confident that my cock should be in a sarcophagus. It still seems to be working at maximum capacity as far as I can tell, even if it hasn't seen action in quite some time. Sports...
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Turns out I now have two grown up job opportunity tests in 5 days starting next Thursday. I need that, I'm running out of the necessary patience to wait on people for a living anymore, I do have the comfort that I'm still a FUCKING BADDASS at making drinks for people (yes two "d"s, yes every time) so that's something I can tuck under my...
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I'm a strange and messy individual. Hurrumph! I should learn to learn my lessons, but why start now right?
Thursday went and saw Mike Watt. Yesterday an off the cuff hot wing tour of the greater St. Louis metropolitan area. Weber's Front Row, Syberg's, Johnny's, Tom's Bar and Grill and Culpepper's finally. It was a fun time and I had a day where all I ate was chicken wings, which I think was equal parts awesome and depressing, but it was a fun time....
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