Yeah...so I just totally eye fucked this smoking hot brunette in a blue dress at the airport and I'm not sorry that I did it.
It's astonishing how mundane everything becomes as soon as you stop paying attention. I have been perhaps one of the most uninteresting humans you're likely to meet of late. So much of my life is so up in the air (not the very good George Clooney film) it's ridiculous. I need to get to tinkering on my life, cause while it may not be quite...
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So, had my job interview on Tuesday, I feel as though it went reasonably well. I probably could have phrased a few of my responses better, but it is what it is. I almost feel like they might need to hire me just to maintain diversity. Of the 13 or so people I've interacted with during this application process none have been white and only...
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Sneezing is a weird phenomena, it's a moment of abject vulnerability...and so much cuter when done by a pretty girl or an adorable cat.
So job interview next Tuesday, technically a second interview, so I suppose that bodes well. Incidentally also the two year anniversary of the last time I kissed a girl, or at least where it actually meant anything when I did. Having a really good memory is a mixed bag, sometimes memories are nice other times they're tiny little daggers waiting to stab you when you...
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I find Jack Daniel's to be an entirely underwhelming whisky.
Reckon they tip sugar in it. Fail.
Do Aussies make whisky? I would assume so as there is a proud tradition in all her majesty's former colonies, I'm just not familiar with any.
So got a letter today, things are looking strong on the grown up job front. This seems like a good thing to me particularly because I've realized recently how poorly I allow myself to be treated by women with no repercussions, this is why I end up the safety net and perpetually in the "friend zone" I suspect. And as I am hard wired to...
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I absolutely goddamned love the movie "True Romance" nothing else to say right now, just wanted to share that with you all out there is SG land.
I find it counter-intuitive that I've been feeling rather lonely lately, but I am loathe to go out and be around people. I At least random people, for someone as fond of drinking as I can be I'm not real huge on the bar scene, some bars I like, but the people that are in them are the real trouble, it also makes my current...
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So, back to work after a week of paid time off, I was kinda getting used to the leisurely lifestyle of the independently wealthy and/or unemployed. I don't think it's helping that it is brutally slow my first night back, oh well, they can't all be winners. I've been having the phantom phone vibrations haunting me all night, stupid phenominon making me think I'm more...
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