Man...I think my major purchase list is as follows, a house (cause I'm old and have a for real grown ass man job with which I can afford one) a couch (cause ever since I moved out I've had various chairs many of which are very comfortable, but I've yet to have a couch and I goddamned love couches) and finally a hot best friend Matt has a dad who has had hot tubs regularly pretty much since I've known him and he recently got his newest one and I have to tell you hot tubs are fan-damn-tastic. And as a grown up making grown up style money and having no kids and no money sapping baggage there is no reason that once I get myself settled that I don't improve my life by getting my ass a hot tub, cause frankly they're phenomenal devices. Work is work, I'm getting to know who is worth a shit and who isn't as far as co-workers go, which is a good thing to be aware of. I had a mandatory overtime night last Wednesday and busted my ass for a worthless third shift worker who did nothing and disappeared the last two hours of an eight hour it goes. Jobs seem to be jobs no matter where you go, some people work and some people mooch and that's the way the world turns.
More Blogs
Friday Dec 24, 2010
Goddamn do I love Kurt Vonnegut. That is all for now. -
Thursday Dec 23, 2010
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Tuesday Dec 21, 2010
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Sunday Dec 12, 2010
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Sunday Dec 12, 2010
I was just thinking, if you need a name for something, be it a pet, a… -
Saturday Dec 11, 2010
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Thursday Dec 09, 2010
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